Newt Gingrich was just days away from the Jan. 31 Florida Republican presidential primary when he told reporters that his campaign was down to its last $600,000.
Five losing contests later, Gingrich and Winning Our Future, an outside political action committee supporting him, are almost silent on television airwaves, offering free water and coffee at events, and revamping a fundraising strategy based largely on the support of a single wealthy backer, Sheldon Adelson, and the Las Vegas casino owners family.--Gingrich Group Looks for New Money as Big Donor Checks Stop
Fair weather friend?
Did he support Newt before or after South Carolina?
Looks as if he just wants to back a winner - with strings attached.
Perhaps Newt explained that he wasn’t for sale.
Why does it say that it is more alarming that the money is going to the Santorum campaign? More alarming than what, I wonder? I was relieved that it wasn’t going to Romney, so I felt that this was less alarming.
no use throwing good money after bad
No comment.
Newt’s slide is due SOLELY to Romney’s millions in negative (and false) ads. When he pulls back ahead...the money will be there.
That’s gonna leave a mark......
Well, that says a lot about Adelson.
Can’t send much, but I’m definitely going to send Newt something this weekend.
There goes your salary. :-)
He will also need debates.
I won't be supporting Santorum or Romney. Can't stand do-gooders...especially those who don't see the error of their ways.
Gingrich or Paul for me.
I miss Palin.
According to CNN, Adelson met with Mitt Romney in Nevada last week and assured Romney that he will be behind him 100 percent should he become the nominee.
Well, it doesn’t say he is stopping money to Gungrich and sending it to Romney.
It says IF Romney should be the nominee, he will be behind him 100%.
The man already gave 11 million dollars, that is quite a bit of money. It just reads to me like the man is done giving until we have a nominee.
Maybe Newt should have ponied up $1,000 to get on the Missouri ballot. Sounds like Santorum is da man right now.
Always keep in mind that Newt was soaring until the hideous Romney machine attacked. Are you listening Mr. Adelson? This is the same Mitt Romney that was fine with girls under 18 years old going behind their parents backs to get abortions with the approval of the vile Mass. judges that Romney appointed.
Anonymous source?
Anonymous source?
Is this really surprising? The whole Republican primary has been a game of ABMR/ABBO musical chairs:First Bachmann,then Perry, Cain, Newt (who most on FR ruled out early on last year) and now maybe RS gets his turn.
RS has a big plus now, he is not Romney or Newt. In comparison to them he looks like a pillar of consistent values, agree with them or not. Newt's sore loser speech after the FLA loss was a flag that many Republicans voters saw and will remember. That is the real Newt.
The media always portrays Gingrich ginger honest mistakes as a disaster and something to make fun of, and portrays Romney/Obama horrible perverted error policies backed by arrogance and force as praiseworthy.
The media is a piece of excrementalizing arrogance, a ridiculous loud disgusting farter which will fall very hard very soon when all its pretenders and this economy will screw up, them and all these incompetent lawyers and word players of propaganda.
Too big to fail? Sorry, fail is fail. Time to detach from failure and let the world of knanivers fail.
Donors more fickle than voters.
What may be more alarming though is as money seems to be flooding out of the Gingrich camp, it appears to be heading into to Santorums
Alarming for whom? Sounds good to me. At least it’s not going to RINO-Rom.
Probably someone from the Romney campaign. Newt said they would do thing like this.