To: Josh Painter
Oliver North is nothing short of an American Hero and deserves to have his opinions respected!
26 posted on
02/10/2012 8:47:47 AM PST by
("The most fearsome words in the English language are I'm from the government and I'm here to help!")
To: Bigun
31 posted on
02/10/2012 8:50:07 AM PST by
(SUPPORT FREE REPUBLIC, DONATE MONTHLY. If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, let me know.)
To: Bigun
"Oliver North is nothing short of an American Hero and deserves to have his opinions respected!" You'd have to say the same thing, and then some, about Jerry Boykin.
55 posted on
02/10/2012 11:13:33 AM PST by
Joe 6-pack
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