To: JohnG45
Look, I am a life-long Giant fan and so I may be suspected of being biased but I don’t understand your “Mr. Silver-Spoon-In-His-Mouth” comment.
Every thing that Eli Manning has attained has been earned on the field. From being a #1 Draft Pick in the Draft to his Super Bowl MVP, all has been earned on the field.
When he was drafted by the San Diego Chargers he flat out said he would not play for them. He got his way and got to New York. Other players would give their eye teeth for a chance to be drafted by ANY NFL team, as long as they got their foot in the door. And they would be grateful for it. But full-of-himself Manning? Getting into the NFL wasn’t good enough for him. He wanted his cake and eat it too, and figured he was so great he would decide who he played for. Yes, Manning is a spoiled, “I’m-better-than-everyone-else” brat. You can see it in that continual smirk on his face. John Elway was another one for refusing to play for who drafted him. Can’t stand him, either.
To: chessplayer
378 posted on
02/05/2012 4:57:13 PM PST by
('Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away)
To: chessplayer
It’s easy to hit Eli for refusing to be a Charger, but the fact that he’s playing in his second SB while the Chargers haven’t gotten close shows he was right. He didn’t want to play for a team he felt was no good. The team with the first pick gets to negotiate with players, they knew he didn’t want to have anything to do with them, they drafted him anyway.
379 posted on
02/05/2012 4:57:13 PM PST by
(How Will I Laugh Tomorrow When I Can't Even Smile Today)
To: chessplayer
The Chargers were a joke and the biggest joke was their front office. Same goes for the Colts when they drafted Elway. I would have done anything I could to avoid working for either of them myself. Schizophrenic organizations should be avoided at all costs.
429 posted on
02/05/2012 5:19:39 PM PST by
(Life sucks. Get a helmet.)
To: chessplayer
When he was drafted by the San Diego Chargers he flat out said he would not play for them. He got his way and got to New York. Other players would give their eye teeth for a chance to be drafted by ANY NFL team, as long as they got their foot in the door. And they would be grateful for it. But full-of-himself Manning? Getting into the NFL wasnt good enough for him. He wanted his cake and eat it too, and figured he was so great he would decide who he played for. Yes, Manning is a spoiled, Im-better-than-everyone-else brat. You can see it in that continual smirk on his face. John Elway was another one for refusing to play ... Any drafted player can do what Manning and Elway did. ANY PLAYER. If you come into the draft with a resume that allows you to negotiate, than so be it. Don't blame Eli blame the system because it allows it!
869 posted on
02/05/2012 7:52:37 PM PST by
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