I think that if we’re to help Newt then we need to all and I mean ALL mail FOX on every program they have on, right now friends and tell them that their bias has truly become pathetic, that we are fed up of watching them and that we will now tune out until they stop the attacks and point out who the real Romney is .
While we on here and others know about Drudge, FOX etc are attacking Newt and never ever saying anything about the real Romney many others, millions do not.
So we either try and help in FL against a barrage of attacks and biased reporting from the likes of FOX or we actually go after FOX Drudge and call them out and tell them to stop the attacks while helping him in FL, in my state because right now here in FL, the majority who see an R at the end of the name only go on what they see or hear from the MSM not form here.
AND snail mail is very effective (and satisfying). It represents the feelings of 20 or more for each one that they receive as it takes time (emotion) to send it.
Email, tweet, Facebook, phone friends and family, call shows, go to rallies, get on the air. Send money to Newt. Cancel your subscriptions. Turn off your sets and radios. Stop buying their products.