Daniels is rumored to be the guy the DC GOP will throw into the race to stop NEWT once MITT fails. So that explains why praise for Daniels speech is not welcome.
If we were not in the middle of a campaign, the circumstances and attitude would be different. At this point, he is persona non grata from the anti-MITT forces.
I despise Romney and I will not vote for him even if he becomes our nominee.
I’m a Pat Buchanan, Joe Sobran paleoconservative from the alleged protectionist wing of the party and it’s barely conservative enough for me. I read Chronicles magazine, think Rush is too party-line and can’t stand Sean Hannity. I want to retch at being of the same mind of Bill Kristol and the Weekly Standard on Mitch Daniels but there you have it. :-)
I would vote for Daniels in a heartbeat.
Thanks for the explanation... I was unaware of that. I thought Daniels was firm in his position of not running for POTUS under any circumstances.