I despise Romney and I will not vote for him even if he becomes our nominee.
I’m a Pat Buchanan, Joe Sobran paleoconservative from the alleged protectionist wing of the party and it’s barely conservative enough for me. I read Chronicles magazine, think Rush is too party-line and can’t stand Sean Hannity. I want to retch at being of the same mind of Bill Kristol and the Weekly Standard on Mitch Daniels but there you have it. :-)
I would vote for Daniels in a heartbeat.
BTW, Pat is right on protectionism but the GOP elite that Daniels is cultivating will NEVER sit still for it. If you want any hope on that the GOP elitists have to be crushed and, as of now, that is Gingrich's job. Unless Santorum revives big time, it is Gingrich or oblivion with Romney for whom I also will NEVER vote.
You may trust Daniels for his track record in Indiana but, face it, he is not even in the race, he won't be nominated and, if he were nominated after a Romney collapse, he would have to sell his soul to the elitist trash. You should not want to do that to Daniels.