Mitt has been repeating that Newt is a lobbyest. Someone from the crowd today yelled “Don’t lobbyest have to register?”
Through all his stammering and sputtering he wouldn’t let go and continued on the line. Expect something about it tonight.
Wait and see:
Newt is an excellant teacher (He was a professor for years/thus his smooth presentation) He will EXPLAIN to Mitt not only what a lobbyist does, but explain to America that we don’t need someone in the WH that is clueless about how Washington works. We’ve got one clueless politician filling the WH right now.
hmmm.... CNN is talking about Saul Alinsky and how Newt has some explain to do about him. lol :)
Newt waited a minute, let the shouting heckler have his say, then he (Newt) calmly said to the crowd (I'm paraphrasing), "We have freedom of speech here in America, and it's fine that one of the two Romney supporters in this big crowd has his say."
The crowd went wild with applause and shouts of support for Newt!
Christie telegraphed Romney’s attack. Newt dodge lobyist via being a consultant. he called it the “oldest dodge in the book.”
Chistie looked like a first class jerk and gave all those of new jersey a stereotype black eye.