bump for later
I agree with Katie regarding the constitutionality.
Yes, the states *SHOULD* be able to legalize drugs and tell the federal government to get out of it’s business.
And every state should do just the opposite, and ***not*** legalize them.
Just because they can legalize them, doesn’t mean they should. But enough is enough with the totalitarian federal government.
I’ll bet there are many millions of jobs directly and indirectly dependent on this war.
Although I agree with the author the USSC does not and has ruled the commerce clause gives the Federal Government jusrisdiction to preempt the entire field on this issue.
Having a right and it being right are two different things.
But not one for drugs how come
A serious discussion would include the arguments made in SCOTUS case Gonzales v. Raich in which Thomas’s dissenting opinon demonstrated that he is THE conservative on the court.
So is jumping off of a bridge.
Be my guest...
Heck, pharmaceutical grade heroin on the grocery shelves would be a great way to clean up our society, but only after I have made heavy investment in a body bag company. /sarc, maybe/
So “states” could allow felons to carry handguns???
We have spent more money, lost more rights, lost more lives and ruined more families than probably ALL the other wars the United States has fought - COMBINED! And all in the name of this “War on Drugs!”
We tried “legislating morality” with prohibition; that didn’t work out either! But, at least back then the American public was smart enough to realize that we were wasting time, money, resources, lives and CREATING a HUGE criminal element where a very small one had existed before!
The United States government has created a world-wide, illegal drug market and yet still doesn’t understand why the problem isn’t going away or getting smaller! DUH!
If the drugs travel across state lines, they are in commerce. Even very traditional interpretations of the commerce clause from before the New Deal destruction of the Constitution would allow the feds to regulate interstate drug sales. But they have no authority to regulate heroin grown and consumed in, say, California.
Ther is no need to LEGALIZE them, simply repeal the laws making them ILLEGAL. No, I do not favor doing so, unless we are protected from the unintended consequences.
Stupid, lazy and cowardly American illegal drug users are too stupid, lazy and chicken to change their reality, so they use illegal drugs to try and ignore their reality for a few minutes. How many Mexicans have died so that stupid, lazy and chicken American illegal drug users could ignore reality for a few minutes? Tens of thousands? I don’t care about alcohol. Illegal drugs as medicine? For what? Hangnails? I don’t care about legalizing drugs so that the stupid, lazy and cowardly American illegal drug users can get their drugs cheaper. I do care about Americans and America. The only way to fix this problems is for the American illegal drug users to grow up and face their reality. There are too many people becoming millionaires off the misery of American illegal drug users. Legalizing drugs doesn’t eliminate that misery. We’d just be giving different people the money. We compete with other nations and they have an interest in seeing our people using illegal drugs to escape reality. It makes our country weak. And legalizing these drugs doesn’t eliminate this weakness. It just transfers the money to other people. Would legalizing drugs mean that suddenly, the drug users had become smart, hard-working and brave? Or is this argument just about redistributing the money from illegal drugs?
Nobody wants to see ANY drug use. But illegal drugs are out there, just as readily available as ever. (Ask your teenager how long it would take to score a bag of weed, then brace yourself for the answer!)
The “War on Drugs” has been an expensive, abysmal failure. For every big drug bust in the news, there were ten more shipments that got through. And the police can’t do anything to stop it except to get paid handsomely for trying. Ridiculous.
So what can we actually DO about illegal drugs? Simple.
Educate your kids. You trust your kid not to bring a gun to school and to stay sober behind the wheel, all because you taught them right from wrong. Do the same for illegal drugs and trust them to make the right decisions. (And don’t set a bad example by using them yourself, dummy!)
Beyond that, let the states decide. Every state has drug laws on the books, so there is no need for federal intervention, and no Constitutional basis for it, either.
Just kidding, man. Pass it over here. ;^)