To: Earthdweller; dirtboy; onyx
Faux News in shock mode. Brit Hume blinking back tears. Rove back pedaling like crazy. Air heads babbling away. All spin, all the time.
226 posted on
01/21/2012 4:54:29 PM PST by
Jim Robinson
(Rebellion is brewing!! Impeach the corrupt Marxist bastard!!)
To: Jim Robinson
Brit Hume blinking back tears.I've watched him since back in his ABC days and I have never seen him so dazed.
235 posted on
01/21/2012 4:56:44 PM PST by
(Trust in God, question everyone else)
To: Jim Robinson
Maybe Faux will get with the program after this win by Newt...I haven’t listened to them for awhile...right now viewing CNN because I want to hear Newt’s speech.
Go Newt Go....and let the pundits wet their pants!
237 posted on
01/21/2012 4:57:10 PM PST by
To: Jim Robinson
To: Jim Robinson
Krauthammer on, looking like he just swallowed a porcupine. He has to tell it straight, but you can tell he hates it.
245 posted on
01/21/2012 4:58:59 PM PST by
To: Jim Robinson
Couldn’t agree more Jim. I said to my husband that Brit had anger in his eyes! Like what the Hail was that!!! Fair and Balanced as always, LOL!
256 posted on
01/21/2012 5:01:52 PM PST by
((Hurry November 2012, we might not make it))
To: Jim Robinson
264 posted on
01/21/2012 5:03:44 PM PST by
Interesting Times
To: Jim Robinson; dirtboy; Earthdweller; Gator113; RedMDer; DJ MacWoW; upchuck
LOL. Krauthhammer is trying his best to put a serious, analytical face on his comments and ends by saying Newt's to John King comments were Reagan's “I own this Mike.”
Hume be damned, he just can't bring himself to compliment Newt without saying something negative. Hume is hoping Newt will crash and burn!
One Certainty: South Carolina cannot be down played! Newt's win is HUGE! GO NEWT!!!!
P.S. Hey Willard, where are your Tax Returns, in Barclay's Bank on Grand Cayman Island?
293 posted on
01/21/2012 5:11:58 PM PST by
(PLEASE SUPPORT FREE REPUBLIC - DONATE MONTHLY! If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, let me know!)
To: Jim Robinson
"Faux News in shock mode. Brit Hume blinking back tears. Rove back pedaling like crazy. Air heads babbling away. All spin, all the time." Amazing how this group reminds me of the sour faces, spin, and denial seen on CNN by their anchor/reporting team in 1994 when Newt took the House.
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