I did check the histoy.
Saw nothing very objectionable there. Weird.
I certainly hope it's not just because the poster doesn't like Gingrich.
Sorry - wasn’t accusing you of doing the zotting. Maybe just dancing on the grave a bit. ;-)
If either of you have any influence with the higher-ups, I think a lot of us would like to see the Paultards get a righteous and well-deserved zot. His remarks in a recent debate advocating the application of the Golden Rule with our enemies is the worst kind of leftism, bordering on being a traitor. Paul's stance is certainly not Conservative. Unchallenged military might is a sine qua non for securing our precious freedoms and God-given liberties. Paul can babble away about a limited government all he wants but with a weakened military, there's no nation left.
I'm heartened that Free Republic supports the Bush Doctrine of preemptive military force against those agents of evil bent on destroying America. The proper way to deal with our enemies is simple and requires unyielding, unapologetic force:
It's possible that he was a retread and only now has come to the attention of the mods. We may never know. I too read one page of posting history and didn't see anything terrible but like you, I can't see deleted posts either.
I've seen people who have been here longer than he had, get zotted as retreads.