For SSgt. W. to take a deal for the "good of his Marines" is inexcusable. It is a legal cop out that he will be sorry for the rest of his life. Lt. Grayson and the CO. has stood up for him until the end and it's no time to fall for a bluff. So many have given their all, career, life for 5 years, future plans, for the value of, "No Marine Left behind" ,to see Ssgt W. fall on his own sword. For SSgt. W. to take a deal is unacceptable and unthinkable, and wrong. Doesn't he realize that they have nothing on him for him to need to make a deal?
Thanks for posting. No argument here.
I agree with Dinsmore completely.
“The good of the Marine Corps” in this case is code for “the good of the political whores with the stars on their uniforms”. Wuterich owes those scumbag perfumed princes of the Pentagon nothing. In fact, by duking this thing out to the end Wuterich actually WOULD be doing something for “the good of the Marine Corps”, because that would mean the REAL Marine Corps - - his brothers in arms, and those still on the ground.
Gotta agree with the Facebook poster. He has to live with his three kids after this. Go for exoneration, therein lies the victory for him and his brothers in the Corps.
CBS is reporting that the trial will resume Friday morning.