Newt went over the line on FoxNews this morning, telling us when Capitalism is ok, and when it’s not. Telling us the difference between profits which are ok and those which are too much. I thought he would find lots of nastiness in the Bain records. Instead he is parroting Oliver Stone from “Wall Street” and portraying venture capitalists like Romney as Gordon Gekko. Newt actually said that capitalists should reduce their profits to share with the workers “who made the profits”. Isn’t that a Leftist position? This is a VERY risky play. Democrats are giddy today. One of them said that the “greedy capitalists” position is no longer a left-wing one, but a centrist one, because of Newt and Perry’s attacks. I am increasingly convinced that we need someone new to come into this race - perhaps someone who has already refused.
This is called “vulture capitalism” and it’s not a good thing. Driving a company into the ground and then feeding off it is not capitalism, except in the most distorted of worlds.
And as for sharing with the workers, yes: give them good wages and good working conditions. Why not? Should the few top execs be the only ones to benefit from a good year...they certainly weren’t the only ones who did the work.
I worked for a big financial services company for several years, and they rewarded everybody in the firm, right down to the mailroom, when they did well. What’s wrong with that?
Utterly unfettered capitalism is monstrous. All here would agree if they were confronted with it.