My of my. Didn’t you stir up the demonic mob! At this point there have been 68 comments on the article you posted, and all of them negative and most of them ad hominem.
Why is the mob so threatened by Ron Paul? Why such detailed research into his past? Why the consistent, repeated, assertions that he is “crazy” and “a liar”? The viciousness of the attacks makes me think that there is something else going on here—perhaps a threat to the establishment’s status quo? or to the vested interests?
The establishment is in full blown panic over Ron Paul rising in the polls, thank G*d for the internet, the truth about Paul is getting out and the liars are exposed.
Alinsky would be so proud.
It has nothing to do with “establishment”, or DU plants or statist republicans etc.
It is far simpler, sane Conservatives don't want this nut anywhere around them or the Whitehouse.