You know, after this utter demolition by Doughty One of one of your trademark Perrybot-mode babbling nonsense posts, I hoped that maybe you would come to the realization that babbling nonsense Perrybot-mode posts were neither behooving to you nor doing much for your candidate.
Guess that hope was misplaced.
First of all, CW pinged me to this thread, while betlittling my position that folks should start making the case for their conservative choice instead of bashing the others.
Second, I did not ping Jim to this thread, hardly the sign of me wanting to get anyone banned. I just asked CW if she was willing to belittle Jim's position on positive campaigning versus negative campaigning against conservatives on FR, given that it closely mirrors mine.
And I have gotten my answer - she has used all kinds of nonsensical responses to pretend the 800 pound gorilla is not taking the same position I am. Because it is the last thing she (and apparently you) want to hear, because you use FR for your Perrybot litter box and don't want that to change.
And it's clear why - your Perrybot modus operandi has been to use FR to unleash Perry campaign talking points on other candidates - while you pretend otherwise - in a lame attempt at astroturfing. It's slimy and low. And if you don't think negative attacks in the primary don't matter in the general, recall that it was Al Gore's 1988 primary campaign that introduced the world to Willie Horton. This stuff comes back around in the general and will haunt the eventual GOP nominee.
It's time to stick to making the case for your guy instead of bashing the others. A simple yet principled point that only campaign hacks and those overly-enamored of their opinions don't grasp when we need to find a candidate to stand against the specter of Romney, Paul and Obama.
BTW, did you even bother reading Jim's post? I would think you would take a few minutes and give it proper consideration in Jim's house.
Great post DB.
Each of us has our own style, our preferences, and our sense of doing what we think is right in support of our favorite candidate. I disagree with Cincinatus’ Wife and Altura here, and although my responses to them may seem biting and curt, I understand they are doing what they can to support their candidate. They support Rick Perry. I cannot do so. I respond to what they have said or posted. That doesn’t mean that I don’t like them.
Jim has asked us to post positive things about our own candidate and I understand why. I will say that as a supporter of Santorum, I am also quite interested in what he has done in his past. It does matter to me what he has been up to. I am going to do my best to make sure he is someone I can support. If I find out something about him that destroys my ability to support him, I’m not going to ignore it and support him anyway.
I’m not so much worried about finding something about him I don’t like, as I am upset that the supporter of one candidate can ignore what their candidate has done that is similar or worse than what they are taking Santorum to task on. That really bothers me.
If they want to reveal something about Santorum with the up front acknowledgement that their own guy has done something along the same lines, I’m not going to be as disturbed, but post some attack on an issue that their own candidate has problems with, and I’m just not going to take it in stride. I think that’s being considerably unfair to the candidate being attacked. It’s gaming the system IMO.
Right now we are upset that Obama is issuing Executive Orders and doing end runs on Congress. I know of one candidate out there that has done his own end run on his legislature to issue an executive order concerning a certain segment of his populace. That was a VERY BIG deal for me. It signaled to me that he was willing to do something I abhor. I didn’t want that done at the federal level. It was a deal breaker for me. It was not a deal breaker for others.
If I found out that Rick Santorum had done something like this, I would dump his arse quicker than folks can say ‘Lone Star State’.
It is this concept that causes me to think I need to hear what the candidates have done in their past. I may not want to hear it, but I must hear it.
I expect a factual accounting of my candidate’s past. I expect it to be done in an up front manner. I expect not to like hearing it if it is bad. I expect to find myself changing my mind if need be.
And when it comes down to it, I expect that of everyone, no matter how much they like their canidate, or wish it wasn’t true.