Here is what I *think* a Zionist is: Someone who will go to any expense/effort to prevent anyone other than a Jew to reside in territories currently defined as the State of Israel. I welcome any correction you or the reader might offer. Suspect there will be some divergence of opinions/defiintions on this one. So what?
As for the girl holding that sign, she looks like she might need some edjamacation, too. Thanks in advance, and regards.
And I assume you know that about 20% of Israel’s population, its citizens with a vote, are Arab.
If that was correct, the term would only have existed after the creation of the nation state of Israel but it has existed long before that. Its usually used in various ways, but generally its a more politically correct term used to describe jews (usually in a negative connotation).
Famous anti-semetic literature like the "Protocols of the elders of Zion" don't even make references to Israel, and (at the risk of invoking Godwins law), the Nazis used to use the term "ZIonist" quite often, without any reference to a future existence of Israel.
Note, Martin Luther King, described anti-zionism as anti-semetism, he did not draw any other distinctions and saw the 2 as interchangeable terms.
That said, around 1/5 of the Israeli population is not of jewish decent.