A losing senator from PA is not going to be the nominee.What happened to “senators do not make good presidents?” That fact seems to have escaped a lot of his supporters.
Iowa is quickly proving itself a joke. Open Primary with voters able to sign-up to vote tonight, including democrats and independents.
The actual number of “Republicans” who turned out were very low, according to Faux. Iowa is not a Republican state.
RICK 24.3% MITT 23.7% RON 21.8%
Newt is still the only one tied with Romney nationally, and he has leads in the south.
I hope some more folks come out and endorse Newt (Palin, please! LOL), but he is still the favorite to win in much, much, much, MUCH, MUCH more important South Carolina and Florida.
I do fear Rick Santuckabee will be the new Mike Huckatorum, though. :-(
Go Newt!