I simply don’t have any faith in Santorum. He is a go along to get along politician — the Spector endorsement proved that. He comes across as a too eager boy scout who can’t quite make the grade.
Newt is on cspan now..magnificient. Just remember this about Santorum..he voted to raise the debt ceiling EIGHT times. He is NOT a fiscal conservative. He voted for the bridge to nowhere in Alaska and is known for supporting earmarks. He is a good man on SOCIAL issues and America needs more civility for sure...but we need a savvy fiscal conservative and that man is definately Newt. We know about the rest of the candidates. Newt is our hope
“The Truth Regarding Santorums Endorsement of Arlen Specter
Posted on October 12, 2011 by Admin
The reason I endorsed Arlen Specter is because we were going to have two Supreme Court nominees coming up, said Santorum. I got a commitment from Arlen Specter that no matter who George W. Bush would nominate, he would support that nominee.
excerpt http://blog.lisagraas.com/2011/10/12/the-truth-regarding-santorums-endorsement-of-arlen-specter/
Who is your candidate? Ron Paul?
That dog won’t hunt this time around, varina.
Maybe you’d like to try the deceased child angle?