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Later in the column, Cole shows his bias saying "This is the same man who says government taxes and spends too much, wants to privatize Social Security, cut Social Security payments and increase the minimum age needed for full Social Security benefits."
1 posted on 12/31/2011 6:32:56 PM PST by CedarDave
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To: LegendHasIt; Rogle; leapfrog0202; Santa Fe_Conservative; DesertDreamer; OneWingedShark; ...

NM list PING! Click on the flag to go to the Free Republic New Mexico message page.

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2 posted on 12/31/2011 6:33:58 PM PST by CedarDave
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To: CedarDave

Not a big deal.

If he’s eligible to receive them, he’s eligible.

That’s all that matters on this point.

3 posted on 12/31/2011 6:36:02 PM PST by Jonty30 (What Islam and secularism have in common is that they are both death cults.)
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To: CedarDave

This whole “story” is a load of BS. Perry is following the pension rules exactly as they were written and intended.

I took my Social Security when I reached my full retirement age even though I continued working. I did nothing wrong. I followed exactly the rules set up by the system, just as Perry has.

This does not deserve a drop of printer’s ink and is designed to trick the gullible into thinking that Perry has done something wrong or is a hypocrite. Neither is true..

4 posted on 12/31/2011 6:37:35 PM PST by John Valentine (Deep in the Heart of Texas)
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To: CedarDave; devolve; Cincinatus' Wife; shield; smoothsailing

This has been posted and I believe this article is somewhat ‘twisted’ so I’ll ping others who know more about it. He was entitled to the ‘retirement’ from what i’ve read.

5 posted on 12/31/2011 6:38:08 PM PST by potlatch (*snip*~ Having the right to be angry does not give one the right to be cruel. ~*snip*)
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To: CedarDave

Good for Governor Rick. He deserves it for making Texas the shining jobs state on top of the hill.

6 posted on 12/31/2011 6:40:34 PM PST by CainConservative ( Newt/Rubio 2012 with Cain, Bolton, Santorum, Perry, Watts, Duncan, & Bachmann in Newt's Cabinet)
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To: CedarDave
He continues to make pension contributions and will be eligible for a pension increase once he leaves the Governor’s Office, in addition to state-provided health care benefits and Social Security payments, according to published reports.

Well BG, let's hope so.

7 posted on 12/31/2011 6:41:43 PM PST by TribalPrincess2U (NOT VOTING gets 0bamao re-elected.)
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To: CedarDave

This is old news and perfectly legal. There is no legal or moral issue here.

8 posted on 12/31/2011 6:42:52 PM PST by Georgia Girl 2 (The only purpose of a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped.)
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To: CedarDave; potlatch; PhilDragoo; ntnychik


- So - How is Hussein Junior doing golfing in Hawaii at $4,000,000 plus of the US taxpayer’s money for just a couple of weeks CedarDave?

I believe Rick Perry has a real Birth Certificate and can produce an official Marriage Certificate for his “native born American” parents too.....

I am not inferring that Obama is a CORRUPT BASTARD or anything like that.....


9 posted on 12/31/2011 6:52:06 PM PST by devolve
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To: CedarDave

CD with all due respect, it seems you may be leaning toward Gingrich; reasons that are only known to you. You are implying that Gov Perry is doing something illegal or exceptionally underhanded but may I present some information regarding Gingrich?

05/04/1979 – He voted for a federal land grab that put tens of millions of
acres of land in the hands of Washington bureaucrats.
09/20/1979 – He voted to raise the debt ceiling for the first time.
09/27/1979 – He voted to establish the Federal Department of Education.
06/04/1980 – He voted to raise the debt ceiling for the second time.
02/05/1981 – He voted to raise the debt ceiling for the third time.
06/28/1984 – He voted to raise the debt ceiling for the fourth time.
04/02/1987 – He cosponsored the 1987 Fairness Doctrine (anti 1st Amendment
02/22/1989 – He cosponsored the Global Warming Prevention Act of 1989.
10/22/1991 – He voted for an amendment that would create a National Police
03/–/1993 – He was “passionately in favor” of sending $1.6 Billion in
foreign aid to Russia.
11/19/1993 – He voted for the NAFTA Implementation Act.
11/27/1994 – He supported the GATT Treaty giving sovereignty to the U.N.
04/10/1995 – He supported Federal taxdollars being spent on abortions.
06/–/1995 – He wrote the foreword to a book about tearing down the U.S.
Constitution and implementing a Fascist World Government.
08/27/1995 – He suggests that drug smuggling should carry a death sentence.
01/06/1996 – He himself conceived a secret CIA mission to topple the Iranian
04/18/1996 – He voted for Federal restrictions on laser sighting devices.
04/25/1996 – Voted for the single largest increase on Federal education
spending ($3.5 Billion)
09/16/1996 – He voted for the anti-gun Brady Campaign’s Lautenberg Gun Ban,
which took away gun rights for people involved in certain misdemeanors.
• U.S. Federal Judge John Roll Murdered: The Sheriff’s Judge Who Upheld The Constitution And Reversed Congress!
09/25/1996 – Introduced H.R. 4170, demanded life-sentence or execution for
someone bringing 2 ounces of marijuana across the border.
09/28/1996 – He voted for the “Gun Free School Zones Act” which resulted in
schools being easier targets for shooters, and disarming law-abiding
–/–/1996 – He earned a “D” rating from the Gun Owners of America.
01/22/1997 – Congress gave him a record-setting $300,000 fine for ethical
11/05/1998 – He resigned from his House seat three days after being elected
to his 11th term.
10/13/2005 – He called for “universal but confidential” DNA testing of
11/29/2006 – He said that free speech should be curtailed in order to fight
terrorism. Wants to stop terrorists from using the internet. Called for a
“serious debate about the 1st Amendment.”
11/29/2006 – He called for a “Geneva Convention for terrorists” so it would
be clear who the Constitution need not apply to.
02/15/2007 – He supported Bush’s proposal for mandatory carbon caps.
04/04/2007 – He says that there should be a clear distinction about what
weapons should be reserved for only for the military.
04/11/2007 – He had a public debate with John Kerry on global warming, in
which Newt agreed with Kerry and his views on the environment, praised his
book, and almost hugged him.
04/20/2007 – He praised NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg: said that he “takes his
hat off to the mayor for proving government can be effective.”
• LESSON SHOULD BE LEARNED FROM Bloomberg’s FAILURE OF NEW YORK: States Like New York, Are Taxing Themselves To Death: Taxes 27% Higher Forced People To Leave.
05/20/2007 – He would bypass the court system by establishing a “military
tribunal system to lock people up the way Abraham Lincoln would’ve done
05/20/2007 – He would “establish a nationwide ID card with biometrics so you
can actually track everybody in the country.”
04/17/2008 – Made a commercial with Nancy Pelosi on Climate Change.
04/28/2008 – He said that allow some terror to happen, to keep the people
04/28/2008 – He wants yet another new Federal agency to be “very aggressive”
against “terrorists” and have “extraordinary abilities” that are not
restricted by the constitution.
09/28/2008 – Says if he were in office, he would have reluctantly voted for
the $700B TARP bailout.
• Obama’s $12.8 Trillion Banker’s Gambling Debt Bailout: Black Unemployment ~ 16.7% Highest In 27 Years, But Lower Than Overall Unemployment ~ Overall Real Unemployment is 23% Of Which 79.96% Are White!
10/01/2008 – Says in an article that TARP was a “workout, not a bailout.”
09/28/2008 – He says that McCain’s vote for TARP bailouts rivaled President
Eisenhower’s pledge to send troops to Korea.
• John McCain, Newt Gingrich, & The List Of Those In The Hidden Government.
12/08/2008 – He was paid $300,000 by Freddie Mac to halt Congress from
bringing necessary reform.
03/31/2009 – Says we should have Singapore-style drug tests for Americans.
10/16/2009 – He angered conservatives by endorsing super liberal Dede
07/30/2010 – Says that Iraq was just step one in defeating the “Axis of
11/15/2010 – He defended Romneycare; blamed liberals
12/02/2010 – He advocates a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
12/05/2010 – He said that a website owner should be considered an enemy
combatant, hunted down and executed, for publishing leaked government memos.
01/30/2011 – He lobbied for ethanol subsidies.
01/30/2011 – He suggested that flex-fuel vehicles be mandated for Americans.
02/02/2011 – He says we are “losing the War on Terror”; the conflict will be
as long as the Cold War
02/10/2011 – He wants to replace the EPA instead of abolishing it.
• Obama’s Gestapo: The EPA
02/13/2011 – He criticized Obama for sending less U.S. tax dollars to Egypt.
02/15/2011 – His book said that he believes man-made climate-change and
advocated creating “a new endowment for conservation and the environment.”
• Arctic Ice Expanding At Fastest Rate On Record: Ice Levels Identical To 1980 Levels!
03/09/2011 – He blames his infidelity to multiple wives on his passion for
the country.
03/15/2011 – Says that NAFTA worked because it created jobs in Mexico.
03/19/2011 – He has no regrets about supporting Medicare drug coverage. (Now
$7.2T unfunded liability)
03/23/2011 – He completely flip-flopped on Libyan intervention in 16 days.
03/25/2011 – He plans to sign as many as 200 executive orders on his first
day as president.
• Newt Gingrich
04/25/2011 – He’s a paid lobbyist for Federal ethanol subsidies.
05/11/2011 – His campaign video said that he wants to “find solutions
together, and insist on imposing those solutions on those who do not want to
05/12/2011 – He was more supportive of individual health-care mandates than
Mitt Romney.
05/15/2011 – Said GOP’s plan to cut back Medicare was “too big a jump.”
05/15/2011 – He backed Obama’s individual mandate; “All of us have a
responsibility to help pay for health care.”
05/16/2011 – He also endorsed individual mandates in 1993 when Clinton pushed
Universal Health Care.
05/17/2011 – He has an outstanding debt to Tiffany’s Jewelry of between $250K
- $500K.
06/09/2011 – His own campaign staff resigned en masse.
07/15/2011 – His poorly managed campaign is over $1 Million in debt.
08/01/2011 – He hired a company to create fake Twitter to appear as if he had
a following.
08/11/2011 – His recent criticism of the United Nations is United Nations by
a long, long history of supporting it.
• Petition: United Nations Is A Pariah State ~ Declaration Of Independence From The Corrupted United Nations
09/27/2011 – He says that he “helped develop the model for Homeland Security”
10/07/2011 – He said he’d ignore the Supreme Court if need be.
11/12/2011 – He advocates assassinating Iranian scientists and covert war
with Iran.
11/19/2011 – He said Barney Frank should be arrested for his close ties
lobbying for Freddie Mac, just one month before it became public that
Gingrich was also lobbying for them at the same time.
11/20/2011 – He has been outed as a paid lobbyist for drug companies, but he
still denies it.
11/22/2011 – He supports the Patriot Act and would like to see it
11/22/2011 – He says that matters of National Security should not be
encumbered by giving Due Process to the accused.
11/28/2011 – He thinks its the job of the Federal Government to ban medical
11/28/2011 – He is a Pharmaceutical lobbyist

11 posted on 12/31/2011 7:04:00 PM PST by Outlaw Woman ( Hello, Hello...Remember me...I'm everything you can't control...)
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To: CedarDave

I’m not a big Perry fan but this is old B/S and you know it. He has broken no laws. How would you like it if some FReeper put up a 100% bogus story about your candidate?

12 posted on 12/31/2011 7:09:20 PM PST by bobby.223
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To: CedarDave

May I also add:

- Card-Carrying member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a globalist
think tank
• Will CFR Member Newt Gingrich Renounce: The NWO’s Council On Foreign Relations?
- “Distinguished member” of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies
(neocon, pro-interventionism group)

- Member of Bohemian Grove
- Member of the World Future Society
- Voted for NAFTA, a blatant circumvention of Congress’ exclusive power to
regulate commerce with foreign nations. Took power from American people and
put it into the hands of unelected Binational panels, made mostly of
- Supported GATT
- Supported WTO
- Continually supported increased federal spending.
• Obama’s New York City’s Museum Of Hate Art: Easter Celebration ~ The Pope’s Toilet & Piss Christ, Tax Payer’s Money Working For Hate
- Supported the National Endowment for the Arts;
- Voted for the creation of the Federal Dept. of Education in 1979 under
Jimmy Carter.
- Big supporter of Foreign Aid — even to Soviets through the Export-Import
- In one year (1994-1995) Gingrich voted for nearly $45 billion in foreign
- He helped push through Federally-funded loan guarantees to Communist China.
- He voted to raise the debt ceiling four times (one, two, three, and four).
- Urged the House to repeal the War Powers Act and give the Presidency more
- Urged Clinton to expand military presence in Bosnia.
- Supports Afghan War
- Supports Iraq War
- Calls for Iran War
- Supported Clinton’s welfare programs, education programs, labor programs,
and environmental programs, as well as most of his foreign affairs programs.
• Financial Crisis
- Supported spending $30B for the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement
Act of 1994 that shackled gun owners with new restrictions, federalized a
number of crimes, and handed the feds police powers that the Constitution
reserves to the states.
- Voted to give billions of dollars to United Nations “peacekeeping”
- Pushed for a School Prayer Amendment
- Mentored by Henry Kissinger
• Libyan End Game: Hopes Of The Rothschild’s Federal Reserve: Backstabbing Of The Middle East Arabs –> IN ORDER TO GET OUT OF THE KISSINGER T-BILL DEBT
- Bailed out savings and loan institutions in 1991. $40B Bank bailout
- He was a draft-dodger during the Vietnam War, yet pushed aggressive foreign
interventionism his entire political career, and did say that Vietnam was the
“right battlefield at the right time.”

Now I personally cannot object to all things listed, however, I do object to the circumvention of our United States Constitution which Gingrich has clearly supported by his votes in the past.

Disclosure: Votes have been confirmed in and membership in CFR and Bohemian organizations are confirmed albeit through numerous accounts (v/s a single register).

This is NOT a conservative.

13 posted on 12/31/2011 7:10:57 PM PST by Outlaw Woman ( Hello, Hello...Remember me...I'm everything you can't control...)
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To: CedarDave

Legal in Texas. I would have advised him to do the same. Smart and earned.

23 posted on 12/31/2011 7:39:09 PM PST by aMorePerfectUnion (You know, 99.99999965% of the lawyers give all of them a bad name)
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To: CedarDave

If you don’t mind, can you tell me where the writer got his impression of Perry’s stance on Social Security?

I know Perry says it’s a Ponzi Scheme that won’t be there for young people who are forced to pay into it. And he’s absolutely right.

He has said we need to allow younger workers different options. He says those on or within a few years of drawing SS need not worry because it will be there for them.

Other than that, I wasn’t aware he had laid out a complete plan for changing the system. Has he?

The part about Perry saying the Government taxes and spends too much??

That part is true...he does say that.

Is the writer denying that the Government taxes and spends too much??


26 posted on 12/31/2011 7:49:39 PM PST by txrangerette ("HOLD TO THE TRUTH...SPEAK WITHOUT FEAR" - Glenn Beck)
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To: CedarDave

So I guess the author thinks that all the military retirees who get a second career after retirement should not have taken the money.

40 posted on 01/01/2012 5:43:40 AM PST by TangoLimaSierra (To the left the truth looks Right-Wing.)
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To: CedarDave

Good thing he doesn’t live in NM.

Also, to be accurate, Perry is retired from his job as a state legislator, so he isn’t “double-dipping” on that account.

43 posted on 01/01/2012 8:33:49 PM PST by CharlesWayneCT
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To: CedarDave

Good, then tone deaf double dipping Perry won’t mind paying back 1.2 M in taxpayer funded personal security costs since he’s been on the campaign trail and he can start coughing up the rent money for that empty 600k/year mansion he isn’t living in right now while failing to govern Texas.

44 posted on 01/01/2012 8:40:40 PM PST by TADSLOS (Rick Perry- The Double Dipping il Duce. He'll overhaul congress and make the trains run on time.)
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