No one knows exactly why, but a lot of people are interested in packing heat.Pretty obvious if you ask me - increasing crime from those on drugs looking for an easy mark, fear of the future especially more government restrictions on gun and ammo sales, especially if Obama is re-elected and appoints one or more gun grabbers to the Supreme Court.
1 posted on
12/31/2011 6:24:16 PM PST by
To: LegendHasIt; Rogle; leapfrog0202; Santa Fe_Conservative; DesertDreamer; OneWingedShark; ...
NM list PING! Click on the flag to go to the Free Republic New Mexico message page.
(The NM list is available on my FR homepage for anyone to use. Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the list.)
(For ABQ Journal articles requiring a subscription, scroll down to the bottom of the page to view the article for free after watching a short video commercial.)
2 posted on
12/31/2011 6:25:15 PM PST by
To: CedarDave
How many shotguns should the homeowner have? (Most hold but six rounds.)
3 posted on
12/31/2011 6:27:47 PM PST by
To: CedarDave
No one knows exactly why...Funny how the newspaper person doesn't follow the news.
4 posted on
12/31/2011 6:30:19 PM PST by
(This is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion or satire; or both)
To: CedarDave
Question for NM readers. I own a handgun but don’t have a CC permit. My boss says I need one (he has one). I say I don’t as I can legally have a gun in my house for self-defense and NM law allows me to carry it with me in my vehicle.
What say you?
6 posted on
12/31/2011 6:37:05 PM PST by
To: CedarDave
To: CedarDave
No one knows exactly why, but a lot of people are interested in packing heat. Everyone but this writer knows exactly why.
14 posted on
12/31/2011 6:49:00 PM PST by
Iron Munro
("Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight he'll just kill you." John Steinbeck)
To: CedarDave
Going gun shopping. What would you all recommend for small, semi-arthritic hands?
15 posted on
12/31/2011 6:50:39 PM PST by
To: CedarDave
No one knows exactly why, but a lot of people are interested in packing heat.
Idiotic comment of all time.
To: CedarDave
No one knows exactly why, but a lot of people are interested in packing heat. Samantha should have read further down in her own article...
The big thing people come to us for is home defense.
30 posted on
12/31/2011 7:55:58 PM PST by
(Life is about choices. Your choices. Make good ones.)
To: CedarDave
No one knows exactly why, but a lot of people are interested in packing heat.
Exsqueeze me, "no one knows why"??
How about:
- Flash Mobs by "urban yutes"
- Attacks on old white people by gangs (flash mobs) of "urban yutes".
- A US AG who refused.Nno scratch that, ORDERED the DOJ Hate Crime Division not to prosecute any 'minorities' for attacking whites.
- A US AG who is attempting to undermine the US Constitution.
- A US AG who is running guns to Mexican Drug Cartels. (see above)
- "Urban Yutes" who are on National Crime wave, urged on by the US AG and the occupier of the White Hut.
- "Urban Yutes" who are killing each other over GD sneakers.
- "Urban (cough) parents" fighting like animals over who can grab the last pair of those $200 sneakers they're buying with welfare money.
- Illegal Aliens Drug Cartels invading the USA and a POTOS and AG who don't give a damn!
and last but not least..... - Philly once again being Murder Capitol USA! Which other 'Urban Centers' trying their damnedest to emulate, and fast.
In 2011 the "urban yutes" were killing cops in broad daylight. Really nothing but plain and simple assassinations. So if an armed Cop in Uniform isn't safe, then what about us regular citizens, huh brainiacs? (One Chi Cop was whacked right in his PDs parking lot. It was about 2:00-3:00pm and in front of other Chi Cops right there who were getting off their shift too.
[yeah they got the maggot, filled him full of lead] So yeah, 'no one knows why' citizens are arming up. Duh.
(My next door neighbor just got a Taurus Raging Judge Magnum which fires the .45 Casull, plus the .410 Magnum and .45 Colt. Thing's a Hand Cannon, and very sweeeeet.
btw, I'm *pretty sure* all the references to 'urban yutes' going tribal is purely a coincidence.
46 posted on
01/01/2012 6:45:50 AM PST by
(Yo Hoffa, so you want to 'take out conservatives'. Well okay Jr - I'm your Huckleberry)
To: CedarDave
How many of these were sold at the behest of the BATF? Another 'operation'?
Sure, those of us who are looking down both barrels of a SHTF moment in this country's history are making sure we have what we think we may need, and maybe a little more, but I don't think we are the only ones in the market.
I have to wonder how much stimulus money has been sidelined into arming Obama's private army.
57 posted on
01/01/2012 10:01:01 PM PST by
Smokin' Joe
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