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One of 5 remaining Serbs in Kosovo town dies
B92 ^
| Dec. 26, 2011
| B92
Posted on 12/28/2011 9:16:51 AM PST by Ravnagora
DJAKOVICA -- An 82-year-old woman - one of only five remaining Serbs in the town of Djakovica in Kosovo - has died, it has been reported.

Jela Mijovich and four other elderly women were the only Serbs left in the town after the March 2004 pogrom perpetrated by ethnic Albanians.
They all lived in a rebuilt structure located in the yard of a Serbian Orthodox monastery in the town.
Prior to 1999, several thousand Serbs lived in Djakovica.
The four elderly women who still remain there live under 24-hour protection of the Kosovo police (KPS).
One of them, 64-year-old Vasiljka Perich, told reporters that she was determined to stay in her hometown and that she was "satisfied with the care" provided to her and the three others:
"Thanks to our Bishop Teodosije and the brotherhood of the Visoki Dechani monastery, we have everything: food, health care, medicine."
But she also explained that none of the Serb women ever leave the monastery compound.
Perich said they "spoke to their (ethnic) Albanian neighbors), but that they "neither went to visit anyone, nor was anyone visiting them".
"If there's something we need, (KPS) police are willing to buy it for us, only some of the new ones won't," she explained.
Perich concluded by saying that it was "beautiful and hard" to live in Djakovica, but that it was "important for a Serb soul to be present in this town".
TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: albanians; balkans; kosovo; serbs
posted on
12/28/2011 9:17:00 AM PST
To: joan; Smartass; zagor-te-nej; Lion in Winter; Honorary Serb; jb6; Incorrigible; DTA; vooch; ...
posted on
12/28/2011 9:22:06 AM PST
To: Ravnagora
The last remaining Moslems in a Christian area would have nothing to worry about.
The last remaining Christians in a Moslem area are Dhimmis.
posted on
12/28/2011 9:27:24 AM PST
E. Pluribus Unum
(FOREIGN AID: A transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries)
To: Ravnagora
If I am not mistaken, “ethnic Albanians” = Mooslims. Funny how that never makes it into the news stories.
posted on
12/28/2011 9:33:52 AM PST
("From my cold dead hands.")
To: Ravnagora
We bombed the Serbs during the Clinton Administration and have been on the wrong side on this issue ever since.
posted on
12/28/2011 9:52:31 AM PST
To: MPJackal
If I am not mistaken, ethnic Albanians = Mooslims. Funny how that never makes it into the news stories.
That is, for all practical purposes, true in Kosovo. It is not necessarily true in Albania. From a geopolitical standpoint, Albania is one of the front lines in the faceoff between Islam and Christianity, with both sides pouring in resources.
Albania had a 25 year period of atheist rule under Envar Hoxha. Albania is still feeling the effects of that, and many are still religious by heritage, not by practice. Prior to the atheist rule, the stats were approximately 70% Muslim, 30% Christian.
Albania is still open. I know people who have taught the Bible in the public schools of Albania. I have personally attended a Sunday worship service in a rented public building in downtown Tirana. I have friends, both Albanian and American, who are currently missionaries in Albania.
I have been personally involved in Albania and, to a lesser extent, Kosovo. We have to do things under the radar in Kosovo. Not so in Albania. And, like I said earlier, in many ways it represents the front lines in the great conflict. And there is hope.
(One more little tidbit: Believe it or not, according to a multi-national poll a few years ago, Albania is the most pro-American country on Earth--probably even more pro-American than we are.)
To: Engraved-on-His-hands
There is hope yet much despair.Time will tell.Spent a year peace keeping in Kosovo(PANG).The common people are very nice and love America for the most part.The radicals are inhuman.Quite an experience.It is easy to say “we should not prevent holocaust” ,yet to see the after math of ethnic cleansing holocaust is sobering.There is evil.Thank God I am American and America keeps the torch of freedom.
posted on
12/28/2011 11:11:41 AM PST
(These are the times that try men's souls....tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. Paine)
To: shanover
Thank you for your service.
To: shanover
Kosovo is almost empty of all its Serbian inhabitants which is precisely what was intended. First Tito enabled the cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo by disallowing their return post WWII and now the US and NATO want to complete the job.
Dead Serbs don't matter to the US State Department and NATO, appeasing muslims and the Albanian narco mafia is much more desirable. What the US did in Kosovo proves what a joke the war on terror is.
posted on
12/28/2011 11:40:05 AM PST
((Romney-Perry-Obama ... No Way))
To: Ravnagora
Jela Mijovich is a prisoner no more...Vjecnaja Pamjat!
posted on
12/28/2011 11:45:49 AM PST
(Tagline for rent: Inquire within!)
To: Ravnagora
posted on
12/28/2011 12:59:41 PM PST
(If Newt Gingrich is a Reliable Conservative, Joe Biden is a member of MENSA)
To: pterional
We bombed the Serbs during the Clinton Administration and have been on the wrong side on this issue ever since.What you mean *We* Kemo sabe?
-the Lone Ranger's faithful Indian companion Tonto, in response to the Lone Ranger's comments following his having noticed that *We* are surrounded by Indians.
posted on
12/28/2011 1:04:21 PM PST
(I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous!)
To: archy
To: pterional
We bombed the Serbs during the Clinton Administration and have been on the wrong side on this issue ever since.
Agreed. From what research I did, my last name of Serbian origin seems to come from Kosovo. Here in Pittsburgh, we have a huge Serbian population, needless to say, most calls to local talkshows at that time were pro-Serb. I remember CBS News did a story back then about a 19 year old Albanian immigrant going back to fight for the Albanians and one local of Serb descent, a Vietnam Vet about 50, called up and made the point that he'd like to go over and fight for the Serbs. I keep thinking of the old 1983 song from "Men at Work," "It's a Mistake" about getting into wars we should never fight.
posted on
12/28/2011 6:04:50 PM PST
Nowhere Man
("What if the US became the USSR and the USSR became the US?" - Me, September of 1983)
To: archy
What you mean *We* Kemo sabe? I don't see what your comment has to do with the price of eggs in Denmark.
In other words, who do you think had the controlling influence on the decision making processes of the NATO alliance in 1999?
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