I remember blowing glass using an alcohol lamp with an attachment that allowed the user to blow air into the flame and increase the temperature. Burned myself several times on hot glass. My parents reaction? “Guess you learned that hot glass will burn you.” Or words similar to those. A friend and I also made our own gunpowder. Can you imagine a 10 or 12 year old going to the neighborhood drug store now and asking for 5 lbs of salt peter? Here comes the ATF!
ATF; try Homeland Security!
"When masculinity is outlawed, only...WAIT! we're there already!"
"When thermite is outlawed, it won't make any difference."
...oh, and Merry Christmas.
My older brother managed to blow himself up real good with his chemistry set. After healing, he went on to become a chemical engineer. Go figure.
Nowadays they go to Tractor Supply or Rural King and ask for a pound or two of kno3 granular weed killer. Or ten pounds, or twenty-five....
Don't have a farm supply store in your town? Lowes and Wal-Mart has Spectracide granules in one-pound bottles, and you can even get it online from Amazon.