Tons of money and hundreds of thousands of hours of labor were required to eradicate the damned wolves in the first place.
Now these idiots want to undo all that good work.
The only thing wolves in the continental U.S. are good for is making fur coats, but you have to harvest them in the winter.
“Tons of money and hundreds of thousands of hours of labor were required to eradicate the damned wolves in the first place.
Now these idiots want to undo all that good work.”
Wolves are dogs and dogs are wolves. There are probably more wolves living in people’s homes these days than ever lived in the wild.
I know people who are scared to death when they meet a stray dog on the street. These are the same kind of people who fueled the fear of wolves. They are scared of the natural world, having scarcely spent a moment in it in their lives. Too bad for them.