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To: Matchett-PI
Got news for you , Rush, and all the other folks who are so wrapped up in self-righteous anger over Newt saying "the Era of Reagan is over." He's absolutely correct.

When you have a Marxist-Narcissist like Obama sitting in the White House, guess what--the Era of Reagan is officially over. It ended when Bill Clinton became our 42nd President and began passing laws that reversed what Reagan had achieved. It accelerated in 2007 when the Democrats regained majority status in the House and began passing more anti-Reagan laws.

It's time for conservatives to grow up. Reagan is 20 years dead. There is no other Reagan. We have to stop wishing for a return to Reagan and move forwards on the principles for which Reagan stood.

What Newt said was absolutely true:
"I think if Governor Reagan were here today, and he were looking at where America should go, he wouldn't be saying, "Let's go back to 1980." He'd be saying, "Here are the solutions, here are the policies, here's what will carry us into the future." And I think we've watched these guys run around saying, "I'm like Reagan. I'm like Reagan." Reagan was a unique one-time personality whose great achievement in eliminating the Soviet empire was historic. Now we have a different world with a different set of problems. I don't think it can be, "Here's how you go back 28 years to reinvent Reagan." It's gotta be, "Here's how you apply conservatism to solve America's problems today."
Where is he wrong? What did he say the isn't absolutely true? We can't go back, we can only go forwards. There is no new Reagan, Reagan was a man of his era. All we can do is take the principles which moved Reagan which directed his actions and apply them to the problems we now face. Anyone who thinks that is not consistent with Ronald Reagan or in any way a rejection of Reaganism, needs to have his head examined.

I'll tell you and Rush and anyone else, selective reading and intentional misinterpretation of what Newt has said is the antithesis of Reaganism and beneath contempt.

Ronald Reagan didn't have to lie to make his points, all he had to do is state the truth. That is what Newt has done and it is not what Rush has done in this instance.
94 posted on 12/13/2011 7:57:15 AM PST by Sudetenland (Anybody but Obama!!!!)
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To: Sudetenland
We have to stop wishing for a return to Reagan and move forwards on the principles for which Reagan stood.

"A return to Reagan" means no other than "move forwards [sic] on the principles for which Reagan stood."
95 posted on 12/13/2011 8:00:28 AM PST by aruanan
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To: Sudetenland
It's gotta be, "Here's how you apply conservatism to solve America's problems today."

That is my issue and has been my issue with Newt for a while now. Applying conservative solutions to progressive legislation. Accept the progressive

There is the liberal populace and the conservative populace mashing against each other, and then the Democrat and Republican politicians agreeing with each other. There is a clear distinction between what the populace thinks the priorities should be and what the elected officials think the priorities should be. Right now, the populace does not want to ACCEPT THE PROGRESSIVE PREMISE!
120 posted on 12/13/2011 8:56:57 AM PST by Eagle of Liberty (Shaking My Head on a daily basis)
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To: Sudetenland

Sorry for the late reply. Somehow I overlooked your post to me.

Anyhow, this is what you wrote (excerpted):

“Got news for you , Rush, and all the other folks who are so wrapped up in self-righteous anger over Newt saying “the Era of Reagan is over.” He’s absolutely correct. .....

“What Newt said was absolutely true:

“I think if Governor Reagan were here today, and he were looking at where America should go, he wouldn’t be saying, “Let’s go back to 1980.” He’d be saying, “Here are the solutions, here are the policies, here’s what will carry us into the future.” And I think we’ve watched these guys run around saying, “I’m like Reagan. I’m like Reagan.”

“Reagan was a unique one-time personality whose great achievement in eliminating the Soviet empire was historic.

“Now we have a different world with a different set of problems. I don’t think it can be, “Here’s how you go back 28 years to reinvent Reagan.” It’s gotta be, “Here’s how you apply conservatism to solve America’s problems today.”

Where is he wrong? ....”

You can’t tell where he -— in his own words above -— is wrong, and why what he said upset Rush so much?

Notice how I separated out Newt’s statement to show you plainly that Newt merely views “Governor”?? Reagan as a “personality” and GLARINGLY omits the “timeless principles” Reagan lived by.

Here is just a small sample of the way Rush talks about “The Era of Reagan”. See if you can detect the difference between him and Newt:

Timeless Principles of Freedom

........On October 28th on his syndicated show Rush Limbaugh commemorated the 45th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s Goldwater speech – ...
Limbaugh further said:

The era of Reagan is the era of our founding. It is never over.

Ronald Reagan is not being held up as somebody whom every candidate must be like. That’s not possible. People like me who love and appreciate Ronald Reagan have no cultlike appreciation for Reagan.

This is not an attachment to a personality.

It’s an attachment to leadership and ideals and principles, ideals and principles which will never die because freedom will never die. Therefore, the era of Reagan will never be over. .......”



The New Reagan Revolution: How Ronald Reagan’s Principles Can Restore America’s Greatness
Michael Reagan

“Ronald Reagan brought America back from the brink of economic ruin and tossed the Evil Empire into the dustbin of history. That is why I call him, with true reverence and the highest of esteem, Ronaldus Magnus. Now his elder son, Michael Reagan, has written the definitive book on Ronald Reagan’s vision and achievements. He writes from a close-up perspective no other conservative can match.

My friend, Michael Reagan has given us the blueprint for a new Reagan revolution­and he has given Ronald Reagan back to us again. Read it, learn it, live it, love it!” ­Rush Limbaugh, the #1 radio talk show host in America


143 posted on 12/13/2011 5:34:52 PM PST by Matchett-PI ("One party will generally represent the envied, the other the envious. Guess which ones." ~GagdadBob)
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