Lying or deliberately ignorant?
Newt recognizes that CLOSING the border is step one - stop the flow - and that protecting our borders is one of the FEW actions allowed - per the Constitution - by the Federal Gov’t
First you stop the ‘incoming’ then you implement the rest = as he has spelled out in minute detail.
Anyone with any sense knows you cannot deport 12-14 million people.
Newt has spelled out those he would allow to stay: those who have been here for decades, support themselves and their families, not on welfare, etc
they would be kept track of - they aren’t now - they would NOT GET citizenship and they could NOT VOTE.
all recent immigrants, any with criminal background, gang members, etc - get a RAPID trip back to Mexico - no “catch and release’ which is the current method.
This is just an outline of Newt’s plan.
Give us YOUR candidates plan details - beyond the talking points.