It probably is much safer to say nothing. I'm sure they'll permit Cain, Bachmann and any others to make it through the general election against Obama without spelling out their plan.
But, if they get that far, then they can out with some kind of visa program and all the stupid little conservatives will say, "oh it's our candidate now; we better ignore it now or we'll lose."
So, maybe they're smart to keep us in the dark.
I'm sick of the stupidity on these boards about illegals.
Illegal immigration is not high on the list of my concerns. These people want us to think it's the issue of the millennium.
God, Life, Guns, Spending, Economy, War, Military, Terrorism, China, Marriage and Family, Illegals,....
It's a 3rd tier concern, and we're to believe any candidate who is right on 10 more important concerns that define conservatism is to be rejected out of hand.
I think those who push that garbage truly are rejecting the good in hopes of the perfect.
Only because both parties and the MSM have gone gloBULL, and you too.
Illegal immigration was once down pretty far on my list of priorities too, but that was before I became educated to the seriousness of the problem. It is a lawless third-world invasion against our society and our continuing freedom. We’ve made it attractive for them to come here. Jobs, business opportunities, criminal opportunities, education, healthcare, welfare, food stamps, social security, medicare, earned income tax credits, freedom, low risk if caught, etc, literally the land of milk and honey. Why wouldn’t they come? And after they (and their growing families) have lived here awhile, eventually amnesty, citizenship and the right to vote (for more big government, more welfare, more bennies). And that’s why the democrats, liberals and progressives of all stripes love them. Give enough illegal aliens the vote and we’ll never ever have another conservative elected.
It might not be popular to say, but I see a lot of benefits to establishing a visa program after the border is secured. The first benefit I see is the screening process for applicants. If someone has a criminal record deny the visa and since the border has been secured (done before anything else gets implemented) when these non-visa holding people are caught they are deported. The second benefit I see is taxes. These visa holders who have already been using the services paid for by our tax dollars now start paying for some of those services as well.
FWIW, I don't ever see the political agreement to secure the border without some type of recognition of those that are already here. At least with a visa program they are not made citizens and we find out who they are.
It’s a 3rd tier problem as far as you are concerned because you can not see past the end of your nose. Quit being so myopic. You may enjoy the view.
You must be living in some far-flung gated community where these people don't impact your day to day existence and livelihood.
How out of touch does someone have to be, to not realize that they're rapidly losing their nation to a foreign invasion, when it's occurring all around them?
There's a reason this issue is such a hot button topic on conservative boards. It's because we're slowly being strangled to death by it.