Those reactors are pretty small. I wonder why they take hours to warm up.
It’s like the gas tank on a big SUV, It’s not what you put in that counts, it’s what you get out.
The yeast has to rise first and that is an excellent point. The temperature can't rise to infinity and is seems it shouldn't take the nickel that long to get to the right temp. I thought Rossi's said something along the lines of that it takes a while for the LENR to get going.
Now Defkalion is saying they're going to announce something in 15 days?
Here's an interesting link:
Now, is the Hyperion their version of the Ecat or the device that converts what the Ecat puts out into electricity?? If you look at the circuit board in the little square container, it has silkscreen on the component side. If this thing was a prototype, I wouldn't expect them to have what looks like a production board.
Didn't Rossi and Defkalion have a falling out? I don't trust Rossi as far as I could throw him but it would suck to have Defkalion get all the attention and credit if this thing happens to work. I'd actually be PO'd on Rossi's behalf.
One other thing is, if you look at those pictures, they're all close up so you can't see how big the place is except for the top picture. They also label the pics as test lab, lab 1 and lab 2 and production so either they have a decent sized facility or they're pulling a fast one. Again though, like Rossi, they built something too. It sure would be nice to have this thing subjected to a rigorous test and settle once and for all whether this works or not. They've had more than one qualified person or company volunteer to test one. They only need to prove one works and since they're the size of a microwave, what's the big deal? Rossi could protect his secret by having his folks watching round the clock but he won't do it.
because it’s COLD fusion, they have defrost the reactor. In a pinch they can be put into the microwave for on 30% power for about 5 minutes.