And that’s why we have everything from the Joint Chiefs to grunts. Amazing how well that’s worked when the military actually gets to be in charge. Good advisers and experts in their fields can help a good decision maker make the best decision. There’s NO WAY, none that every candidate is an expert in everything. NONE. Not even Newt. Not everyone has perfect positions on everything. NONE. I don’t care whether you think he’s presidential material or not but don’t you think it’s a little condescending considering how successful he is? The man IS the American Dream and he puts a lie to all those rumors that a black man can’t get to the top in this country. The fact that he’s running and has gotten where he is through hard work should be a source of pride, not ridicule.
I am not ridiculing him I am ridiculing the idea that you don’t have to know anything and can get by on just listening to experts. Every expert there was told Mac Author Inchon would fail. All the experts called Reagan economic plan “Voodoo economics”. Experts in the North said the “rebellion” would be over in 90s days. Leaders, great leaders have a very good idea on what they are doing, why they are doing it and what the out come will be. Just saying I would consult with my experts does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling about the future of our country under President Cain.