Wish I knew what you were talking about, haven't seen that, however, it seems to me Cain bashing seems to be the latest sport. Soon, when Gingrich starts pulling up close to Romney - it will then be a Gingrich bashing sport.
I am thoroughly disgusted that the press picks our candidates
All we can do is try to get the word out.
Okay, thanks for bringing that up, I am now officially depressed!!
>> Okay, thanks for bringing that up, I am now officially depressed!!
But officially apprised :)
Gingrich bashing has a long history. I've even done a little myself (last May, after he dissed Ryan's plan). On the other hand, Cain and Cain-bashing are relatively new developments. We'll need to see how it shakes out.
FWIW, I voted Cain / Gingrich. Truth be told, I'll take anyone who can beat Obama. Even Huntsman (but hopefully, I'll not be reduced to voting for the MittWitt!).