Posted on 11/12/2011 12:33:36 AM PST by reformedcrat
The fatal blow to the campaign has been made. Whether he knows it or not, Herman Cain's campaign is over. I would be overjoyed to be wrong, but the numbers and believability of sexual harassment claims against him have amounted to the critical mass of complaints that end the Cain campaign. It is only a matter of time before everyone realizes it.
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I didn’t say you had “scrubbed your posts.” I said you had “scrubbed your spots,” lol!! That’s a reference to the famous leopard metaphor. Geez, this is pathetic.
B.S. you are a HACK for Romeny campaign. You NEVER were for Cain. You are just doing what they told you to go out and do.
No objective person can look at the evidence and come up with what you said.
Yes, it sure is.
You made accusations and when challenged, you could not back them up.
Everything I have posted is out there.
You have created some character in your mind and tried to attribute it to me. Stop feeling so insecure around me; I don't bite. I just don't put up with any BS.
When you were unable to produce any evidence to support your nasty smears, you resorted to lame insults and a bunch of nonsensical screeching.
A decent person would have admitted her error and moved on. And you may have even gained some respect from me and others.
Instead, choose to keep digging deeper into your hole.
Madame Defarge indeed. Blinded by her hatred. Now, who does that better suit? {snicker!}
The popular idiom is "A leopard cannot change his spots."
Refereces to "scrubbing spots" are somewhat vague. Don't expect people to think you're clever just because you're trying to come off as "complicated."
Ooooops! LOL
I would like to make large cuts everywhere.
You might have a mental illness.
My friends who are lawyers would agree with you, I’m sure. Once one of them once said something like, “If we could figure it all out, we wouldn’t need judges.”
No problems. Have a good weekend.
Based on this crappy article? I haven’t read any comments besides yours yet, so I don’t know who else has picked it apart. I can assure you that I can. This “article” is another hit piece.
For starters, here’s one piece of the story-teller’s “journalistic creativity”:
“Writer” Thurlow: “And in answer to a Wall Street Journal reporter’s question, Cain said that “there will probably be other” complaints of sexual harassment.”
Here are Cain’s actual words that the writer was referring to (he even linked to them): Cain: “As you know, when you run for the highest office in the land, there are going to be some accusations that are going to come out of the woodwork. They’re going to come from anywhere. And I have said this before. There will probably be others, not because I am aware of any, but because the machine to keep a businessman out of the White House is going to be relentless.”
Where do you see ANYTHING in these words where Mr. Cain says he expects more “sexual harassment” claims?
If anything, this strengthens my support for the main because it is further proof he is feared, and so he is smeared.
I am a lawyer and I could tell she was full of sh*t just by looking at her. One of us is wrong, and since I can tell that his entire article is full sh*t just be looking at it, I’ll go with him being wrong. Wow, I’d be embarrassed to write such worthless drivel.
The more I think about this article, the more bizarre it is.
I’m no lawyer, and I looked at this situation objectively, since I have no feeling one way or another about Cain, and I knew it was bull as soon as Gloria Allred made her stupid joke. Sorry, you don’t make a sexual joke in front of someone you think has been the victim of sexual harassment—when you’re her lawyer!
Agreed, and for the record, I am not in the tank for Cain either. Based on what I’ve heard from him to date, he sounds genuine, capable and like a true God-fearing conservative, so he is attractive - at this point in the race. I really just do my research on each candidate as time permits and wait and see.
My whole thing with Cain right is the obviousness of this media, Rat and/or Rino hit on him. As you know, conservatives need to defend against these sorts of attacks on all conservative candidates. Whoever orchestrates them (along with the media), needs to be smacked down hard.
Time for bed. Have a great day!
Definitely need to cut back on my caffeine intake, eh?
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