Posted on 11/12/2011 12:33:36 AM PST by reformedcrat
The fatal blow to the campaign has been made. Whether he knows it or not, Herman Cain's campaign is over. I would be overjoyed to be wrong, but the numbers and believability of sexual harassment claims against him have amounted to the critical mass of complaints that end the Cain campaign. It is only a matter of time before everyone realizes it.
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But it is what it is. I accept that. I learned to be a realist early on in my life, when I sat huddled in a foxhole in the dead of night.
We both know that projecting what would have been, should have been, or could have been, does nothing for how we are about to wind actually being. It is redundant to sit around and mull over who will step up to correct this mess. There just are no other options left for us.
All we can do is hope that whoever wins thin fiasco will surprise all of us and do the right thing. There is still that possibility. Even Romney is certainly capable of that, in spite of his past. (Don't take that as an endorsement!)
All we can do now is watch and wait. (I hate to say it)
Stupid Establishment RINOs.
What “credibility”? These people are less and less credible by the moment. Have they not noticed that there is NOTHING to support their claims?
And the more this happens, the more people are rallying around Cain. Why do you think they haven’t created some more complaints? Even Cain said they probably would, even though there is nothing to them (so far, anyway.)
Clearly, Romney’s people are behind this. (If it were Democrats, they’d wait until after Cain was nominated.) I suspect you’ll find Rove’s hand here somewhere.
O.K. FReepers; check this out: For those of you who’ve not heard, an Investigator using “Voice-generated Lie Detector” says Cain was telling the truth; Bialek, not so.
And it’s not just a liberal strategy in general but Obama’s Chicago Way of doing things. If you think Cain’s NRA leak was ugly wait until Obama’s thugs get a hold of Newt’s divorce records. Newt’s talking skills won’t have a prayer when they shred him to pieces. That’s why we need to support and defend our side against these attacks and not “root” for them just because it’s happening to someone who is not our primary favorite.
Bialek and her Allred team also left the false impression she has a fiance and was living with him and her son for 4 years. It painted a nice “conservative family woman” picture but got exposed for yet another lie. Eddie Haskell is more believable than that woman.
Reformed democrat?
I think you are not reformed yet. You are still being manipulated by the press, the loudest and most untruthful part of the democrat party.
Where the heck did all these freepers come from? They rarely post, then show up out of the blue to start bashing Cain?
I have a feeling they are Romney supporters who were laying low.
I also think some (not all) of the ones pushing Gingrich are only doing so because they know that Gingrich could take votes from Cain, handing the election to Romney.
I call it the Ministry of Propaganda.
Is this guy on Axelrod’s payroll?
He’s got my vote. GOT. Cain is a winner. “IS”.
The guy sts an article and gets lots of replies and not a single response back from him. He is a troll.
Perhaps in your mindset you fail to see that too much of or to many of these dubiously honorable women will tip the lid on a political ponzi scheme.
As with ALL elections ...the breakdown in the USA is always between those that pay the taxes and those that consume them. Its all demographics.
With the Baby Boomers no longer paying...and starting to consume, the ratio of 51-53% payers to 47-49% consumers
is swinging the other way. The only way for Payers (Pubbies) to win is to suck some voters off the the consumer (Dems) side. That means the Pubbie candidate needs to be able to undermine the 95% of the Democrat black vote-because the white suburban side are becoming consumers.
Cain is the only candidate that might have that potential.
Ginrich and Romney have the vote sewn the 35% of the country that lives in the white suburbs.
I would think lawyers were a little smarter.
Heck, Ray Charles could have seen through that dog and pony show.
I'm a lawyer and any good lawyer who doesn't think her "testimony" couldn't be pulverized to atoms on cross and with vigorous discovery doesn't belong in the courtroom. I feel for his clients.
I take some solace in the fact that I am emotionally detached.
Check out L Lin Wood. Story over. Where is the press conference? This is a good example of Cain’s smarts. He has my support.
Then you should check his record. At Pillsbury he took charge of the worst performing Burger King district and made it the best performing district. He then took over Godfathers's Pizza and took it from near bankruptcy to the top. His record is quite impressive.
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