“Axelrods family are known communists.”
Just for grins, your post tempted me to take a look in the “The Mitrokhin Archive”. As a contoller of Chicago moles, David Axlerod’s exploits pale in comparison to a possible Russian namesake, but here goes.
Mitrokhin’s book mentions a Soviet spy named Moisei Markovich Akselrod, who was “born into a Jewish family in Smolensk in 1898”. Mitrokhin describes him as one of the leading Soviet agent controllers during the 1930’s. He was one of a spectacularly successful group that Mitrokhin refers to as the “Great Illegals”.
Unfortunately for Akselrod, he was caught up in Stalin’s purge, recalled to Moscow from his post in Italy, and executed as an “enemy of the people”.
Unfortunately for Akselrod, he was caught up in Stalins purge, recalled to Moscow from his post in Italy, and executed as an enemy of the people.
But did he leave children??