Oh, well we know that Perry’s Kurt used to work for Cain and according to Cain, Kurt knew about these charges from about 2003.
But Kurt denied it. And Cain accepted his word.
And we know that Perry’s Wilson did talk about this matter.
That’s what we know.
Given that dozena of people in Washington knew of these allegations from Cain’s days as the head of the National Restaurant Association (I know because we know an outside lobbyist for that association and have for years and his wife told my wife that these allegations were going to come out weeks and weeks before the Politico article) what you say we know proves exactly nothing and is far from likely. Washington gossip is pernicious and the people inclined to use it most readily are the desparate characters surrounding the One in the Oval Office. Niether Governor Perry nor Governor Romney would have the same access to prevalant Washington gossip whereas the One in the Oval Office and his folks could not avoid being aware of it.