I wonder how much the solar instillation will cost, and if Apple had to do a rigorous impact study about the common field mouse before grading the land.
1 posted on
10/29/2011 9:00:52 AM PDT by
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To: matt04
To: matt04
The environmentalists will try to block this with web-based “grass roots” agitation, using their I-pads and I-phones. This will delay Apple’s purchase of solar panels from China.
3 posted on
10/29/2011 9:03:44 AM PDT by
(Socialists and liberals all want jobs; they just don't want to work.)
To: matt04
Hmm. I suspect they will have to hide he real power source for the data farm. Even 170 acres of solar cells won’t do the job when it’s dark. Or raining. Or cloudy.
4 posted on
10/29/2011 9:03:47 AM PDT by
(What happens to taglines? Is there a termination date?)
To: matt04
what the aich is a solar farm, sounds like some goofy Apple thing
6 posted on
10/29/2011 9:07:34 AM PDT by
(My heroes have always been cowboys)
To: matt04
Charlotte Observer is reporting that Apple has begun work building a 174 acre solar farm to power their new Maiden,...A nuclear power plant would produce much more power and use up much less precious land.
9 posted on
10/29/2011 9:11:27 AM PDT by
(Trust in God, question everyone else)
To: Swordmaker
17 posted on
10/29/2011 9:18:15 AM PDT by
(Look for the union label, then buy elsewhere.)
To: matt04
What about our animals and our Faw-rests??????????????
Apple hates forests and animals.
20 posted on
10/29/2011 9:25:39 AM PDT by
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23 posted on
10/29/2011 9:35:48 AM PDT by
(America! The wolves are here! What will you do?)
To: matt04
Other Austin Energy renewable projects include the Webberville Solar Farm, which is located east of Austin on 300 acres of land owned by the city. The large array of 270 watt photovoltaic modules will generate a total of 30 megawatts for the city and is set to be online in December. The city is paying $10 million a year for 25 years as the solar farms sole client to Gemini Solar Development Co., the farms owner and operator.
27 posted on
10/29/2011 9:47:45 AM PDT by
(Dear God, thanks for the rain, but please let it rain more in Texas. Amen.)
To: matt04
One hundred and seventy-four acres dedicated to powering, if not one building, then one endeavor, a data center, in a group of buildings.
There is terminal stupidity behind this.
31 posted on
10/29/2011 9:59:51 AM PDT by
(The instinct toward liberalism is located in the part of the brain called the rectal lobe.)
To: matt04
That’s a whole bunch of valuable land gobbled up for this project.
33 posted on
10/29/2011 10:11:38 AM PDT by
To: matt04
oy. well, at least when there's nothing left to eat, there might be just enough power to keep it warm.
34 posted on
10/29/2011 10:23:09 AM PDT by
the invisib1e hand
(...then they came for the guitars, and we kicked their sorry faggot asses into the dust)
To: matt04
so wtf ever happened to “not scarring the land” or whatever? You can’t strip-mine, but you can put turn a countryside into a freaking eyesore junkyard of metal and plastic?
35 posted on
10/29/2011 10:24:36 AM PDT by
the invisib1e hand
(...then they came for the guitars, and we kicked their sorry faggot asses into the dust)
To: matt04
It should take about 75 years to recoup the amount invested.
46 posted on
10/29/2011 10:54:41 AM PDT by
Jack Hydrazine
(It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine!)
To: matt04
How many poor Africans could be fed by the corn, soybeans, alfalfa or dairy herds that could occupy 174 acres???
47 posted on
10/29/2011 11:01:26 AM PDT by
(I'm so open-minded my brains fell out)
To: matt04
174 acres to power 1 building?
Drill 1 well and split it with 5 neighbors.
53 posted on
10/29/2011 12:30:32 PM PDT by
To: matt04; ~Kim4VRWC's~; 1234; Abundy; Action-America; acoulterfan; AFreeBird; Airwinger; Aliska; ...
Apple builds Solar power plant to power iCloudPING!
Apple builds Solar Farm!
Please, No Flame Wars
Discuss technical issues, software, and hardware.
Don't attack people!
Don't respond to the Anti-Apple Thread Trolls!
If you want on or off the Mac Ping List, Freepmail me.
57 posted on
10/29/2011 3:39:05 PM PDT by
(This tag line is a Microsoft product "insult" free zone.)
To: matt04
I wonder how much the solar instillation will cost, and if Apple had to do a rigorous impact study about the common field mouse before grading the land.No way is this cheaper than buying electricity unless Apple gloms onto all kinds of Gov't money and tax breaks to build this. AlGore can steer this Gov't cash in their direction, he is on the Apple board of directors
This is a vanity project. Apple has 80 billion in the bank, it can afford to blow a billion or two on such solar nonsense. But the PR value will be great for Apple being that it is the official computer of the naive young, hippies, lesbians, global warming scare mongers, college students, gays, urban dwellers like in NYC. The Apple store there is a Mecca for the delusional
59 posted on
10/29/2011 5:00:07 PM PDT by
(What good is a used up world and how could it be worth having - - Sting)
To: matt04
It’s a private American company using vacant privately-owned land to get at least partly self-sufficient with power usage. Insofar as tax breaks may be involved, kudos to anyone who can reduce what an overspending government confiscates from them.
This is a GOOD THING.
65 posted on
10/29/2011 6:58:09 PM PDT by
($1 meals: http://abuckaplate.blogspot.com/)
To: matt04
If you store on iCloud, better watch the weather reports for North Carolina! Cloudy days, and your access ist kaputt.
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