To: Big E
I believe he will do more damage than Obama. This is a ridiculous statement. Give me Mitt any day to Obama. I"m going to point out the hypocrisy of Freepers. Freepers claim to despise Romney to the point they're more than happy to return Obama for four more years of destruction, yet they will defend Cain who endorsed Romney four years ago and still says he would be his VP but yet, he won't be Perry's VP.
Not only that, but there is an obvious love affair going on between Cain and Romney. If it weren't for Perry, no one would be going after Romney. This is nuts.
To: Conservativegreatgrandma
Sometimes ole Herman does things before he really thinks about the "global" impact of his words and actions. Endorsing Slick Willard was one of those deals.
Herman is still coming to grips with being under the microscope and people cut him a lot of slack because he's not a milquetoast, weasley, "reach across the aisle" "reach around a democrat" slimy, disgusting career do nothing like 99 percent of these professional liars (politicians)
Double down!
123 posted on
10/22/2011 1:44:47 PM PDT by
(The Confederacy was the single greatest conservative resistance to federal authority ever.)
To: Conservativegreatgrandma
It's not ridiculous. What if McCain had won in 2008? For one thing, you'd have full-blown amnesty right now, as that was one of McCain's primary issues. You'd still have the runaway EPA, as McCain is firmly in the global warming camp. While it's true you would not have Obamacare, you would probably have a souped-up version of SCHIP or some such thing, which may have been even worse than Obamacare, as at least there's a large movement afoot to get rid of Obamacare. Not to mention, it may be tossed out by the courts. A more incremental socialist approach, as would have been undertaken by McCain probably would have passed judicial muster. You would probably have the huge defecits you have now as well, as McCain is a bailout loving, big spending RINO.
Romney is just as bad as McCain. Romney will undertake the same disastrous policies, as McCain, and Obama. Yes, that's right, Romney's policies will not differ from Obama’s. Do you really think he's going to repeal Obamacare, for example?
127 posted on
10/22/2011 9:44:37 PM PDT by
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