You got THAT right!
I have been on High Blood pressure meds for years, and just for laughs, went to a different doctor without taking the pill beforehand. My BP was actually LOWER without the medication (and without the TWO HOUR wait with CNN blaring on the TV, rude receptionist, and a room full of hacking, wheezing, upset and angry people!)
I changed doctors. Since I have no health Insurance anyway, I am FREE to do that!
Get that? NOT having Insurance is FREEDOM!!!! YEAHHHHH!!!!!
Sometimes it is best to NOT listen to the doctors. When I started taking high blood pressure meds, they had me on too much and my BP was 90/50.
They wouldn’t listen, so I halved the pill and took the diuretic that went with it every other day. Perfect. When they questioned me, I just told them that’s the way it was going to be!
You might say I can be a bit stubborn at times! LOL!