Overlooked yet interesting fact:
Newt Gingrich continues his steady climb, and is about to overtake Mitt Rimney in several states.
I’m noticing the same thing. To me, taking all the recent polls in totality, it looks like there are four tiers right now:
1) Cain/Romney
2) Perry/Gingrich/Paul
3) Santorum/Bachman
4) Lost causes (Huntsman, Gary Johnson, etc.)
I don’t see Cain or Romney getting much above 30% for a bunch of reasons. Perry seems to be dropping. Gingrich slowly but steadily rising. Paul will contine to get his hardcore 10% or so but has no upside whatsoever. So the question become who gets the Santorum/Bachman/Lost Cause voters as they drop out.
It will be VERY interesting to see who all these folks endorse. If we were to go by what they say in the debates, in the case of Santorum especially, it would be Newt. But I’d bet a bunch of money that they all endorse Romney. Why? I have no idea, but that’s what they all seem to do. First Pawlenty...then Christie. I can’t explain it. Maybe he has pictures of all of them or something.