But limiting and controlling access to Medina and Mecca give them power, if they actually could do it.
SA has been preparing for an Iranian attack since 1979. It would be suicide for the Iranians.
They could do it with WMD but then they would most probably destroy what they were fighting to control and that would align every Muslim on the planet against them. Old song, "You always hurt the one you love..."
But we tend to lok at things where we (our culture and faith) value the gift of life...
I do not see ANYTHING in “their” faith that stands for ANYTHING but deceipt, treachery, domination and death to those that do not believe as they do...
So as far as I am concerned, they’d rather destroy and lay waste to something, than try to administer and control something that would become more of a liability, both culturally and politically...
They’ll take the constant retribution in a heartbeat, because that is what they understand and live for...
Its a real shame...
But then again, maybe that is OUR challenge...That is what has been put on our plate to digest...
Man screwed up their chance to live a life like a bowl of cherries a lonnnggggg time ago...So now our lives become a challenge, one to be grateful for that gift, and be mindful of others...We may dissagree with others during this time we have, but it is how we live that gift that makes it important...There are some people(s) that do not understand this concept, and we either take on that challenge to minister to them, or I believe it is safe to not do so in cases like this...