Not sure I get this?
Was it something he said on his radio show?
Anyone familiar with the source?
Credible or not?
I have no doubt that he said it. He’s said something about the electric fence before.
During an interview he was asked if he were for a border fence. He said yes, and to electrify it.
It is a tongue-in-cheek statement, hyperbole, that emphasizes that he believes in strong border security. When he says it in a speech, it kills.
He serious position on border security is that it is the federal responsibility and that the border must be physically secured with many different means to meet the challenges of various terrains.
I’ll try to find the videos. The NYT is making this into a MUCH bigger deal than it is. But remember, they’re the same ones that said that Cain said that ALL poor people should blame themselves for being poor.
They’ve twisted his words before. They’re doing it again.