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Say “No” to Mitt Romney and the Corrupt Republican Establishment
The Post & Email ^
| October 12, 2011
| Lawrence Sellin
Posted on 10/12/2011 7:13:07 AM PDT by Ordinary_American
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To: Spruce
I will never vote for Mitt Romney. And there is absolutely nothing that will change that fact.My feelings are exactly those. I truly loathe Mitt.
I pray after the 2012 election, that an effort is put forth to utterly destroy the GOP. We need a party for Conservatives and other non-Statists.
P.S. I still have great hope a conservative will win in 2012.
posted on
10/12/2011 8:10:48 AM PDT
To: JudyM
What you call purist, others call principled. And Mitt Romney does not share conservative principles. He is the perfect candidate to marginalize the Tea Party. With a GOP nomination of Romney, the media will finally be vindicated in labeling the Tea Party as extremists - "He's a sensible Republican, favors gun control, global warming taxes and government run health care, unlike those fringe lunatics, the Tea Pary."
Unless you care about a candidate's kin color or religion, there is not a nickels worth of difference between the current president and Romney. If you think otherwise, then you don't know Mitt Romney.
posted on
10/12/2011 8:13:23 AM PDT
(Semper Fidelis)
To: JudyM
What you call purist, others call principled. And Mitt Romney does not share conservative principles. He is the perfect candidate to marginalize the Tea Party. With a GOP nomination of Romney, the media will finally be vindicated in labeling the Tea Party as extremists - "He's a sensible Republican, favors gun control, global warming taxes and government run health care, unlike those fringe lunatics, the Tea Party."
Unless you care about a candidate's kin color or religion, there is not a nickels worth of difference between the current president and Romney. If you think otherwise, then you don't know Mitt Romney.
posted on
10/12/2011 8:13:50 AM PDT
(Semper Fidelis)
To: buck61
To: JudyM; jimrob; All
Paging JimRob!
See my tagline
posted on
10/12/2011 8:49:11 AM PDT
Terry Mross
(I'll only vote for a SECOND party.)
To: Ordinary_American
Again I ask...
Do you currently live in the U.S.?
Just curious...
To: Texas Fossil
“If Romney = Nominee
Then Election = “End of Republican Party”
I tend to agree. I would certainly support a third-party candidate, even just to build a new, actually conservative party.
Mitt Robamalite is a non-starter.
posted on
10/12/2011 8:52:55 AM PDT
(The residents of Iroquois territory may not determine whether Jews may live in Jerusalem.)
To: Spruce
I will never vote for Mitt Romney. And there is absolutely nothing that will change that fact.Mrs. Old Possum and I agree with you. If the Republican Party can do no better than that it wlll deserve what it gets.
And if the American people are so brain dead as to political realities they too will get what they deserve.
To: Ordinary_American
I hate voting for a Republican "good ol' boy" more than most folks, but I'm channeling my anger into getting MORE involved with the Republican Party until the day comes that the good ol' boy network no longer has the numbers (and, let's face it, Democracy is all about having the numbers, so we can't complain too much about that).
At our last Republican Executive Committee meeting it tore my heart out that, during our group elections, our Tea Party candidate for president of the chapter (the largest in Florida) did not unseat the current "establishment" president.
However, she *did* get 30% of the votes, and if I stick with it then next time it'll be more - maybe enough to win.
This is not a fair weather war we are in the midst of. And, if we get knocked down we better think of a better response than "taking our ball and going home". We'd better dust off our britches and get back into the game.
And that's exactly what I intend to do - even if the change is years in the making. I invite other true conservatives to join me in this!
posted on
10/12/2011 10:09:53 AM PDT
The Duke
To: Ordinary_American
Long way to go yet, and I don’t see things getting any better—unhappy people in both potties, but then they’re really the same anyway—all these unhappy folks could easily, eventually, merge over to a third candidate...just maybe...
Semper Watching!
posted on
10/12/2011 4:07:18 PM PDT
("A Constitution changed from Freedom, can never be restored; Liberty, once lost, is lost forever...)
To: Diogenesis
Dude. Don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but IMHO a clear majority of your posts are awesomely awesome. LOL
Thanks for those images. They went a long way toward redeeming what has otherwise been a rather bad day. The Romney “Mini Me” is priceless.
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