Tom has been with the Tea Party movement since it's beginning. He has given many speeches celebrating that spirit, and he has attended quite a few Tea Party events as the only elected official many of those organizers were willing to include. Go back and search for "McClintock" and "tea Party" on Google. It's easy to do, and something you should have done before even bringing up the topic.
I asked why he did not mention the TEA party in this speech. This was a moderately long speech, and there was plenty of opportunity for him to indicate the importance of the independents like myself.
It is not rocket science to know that there is no love lost between the SKUNCs and the TEA party because their aims are different. Boehner hears it and snubs it regularly in between crying jags.
Because Tom must live with the SKUNCs for now, I do understand there might be some heat. That is my concern that there was heat. We need to know and not just suspect. Too much wiggle room. I’m on Tom’s campaign donor list. I’d like to stay there.