Posted on 10/08/2011 11:58:25 PM PDT by Clairity
One would think that we would be hip to what PPP does. Apparently not.
That explains why they had questions about the barbecue — anything to push negatives against Perry.
An interesting article I just found and posted talks about the Dem strategy they used in CA to knock out the strongest GOP opponent in the primary, to ensure a Dem win against a less electable GOP candidate — and advocating that Obama use it this time, if he isn’t already...
A California Strategy for Obama’s Re-Election
“Like most campaigns, Mr. Obama’s team will be looking for a past road map to build their strategy.
The best model isn’t to be found at the presidential level. Indeed, it may come from a Democrat with whom few Democrats want to associate: former California Gov. Gray Davis
So how did Mr. Davis win in 2002? By using his fund-raising prowess to break all campaign-finance records in California political history, and by playing in the Republican field to knock out his strongest opponent.
Mr. Davis raised money from the day he was elected in 1998, despite criticisms from politicos and the press. In 2002, his political team then isolated his biggest threat - the moderate Richard Riordan, the former mayor of Los Angeles - and spent millions on ads to defeat him in the Republican primary. “
We must get use to the fact that between now and the election,
the Marxist media is going to become like drug crazed moon-bats.
They will try every trick in the book to keep their anointed
messiah in power.
Dont believe the latest BS from the state media. This clown won by 2% of popular vote. Do you really believer he hasnt annoyed 3% of the population by now? This is our election to lose and like a pit bull sensing weakness, we need to go for the throat and hold the community organizer administration accountable and by the throat. If he wins by blaming Bush for his whole term I guarantee he will lose.
Holding firm on the Far Left/African American vote only gets you so far.
Cain will show up and show them what leadership and problem solving is. Not a paid agent of Cain, but this guys past is littered with situations where an organization was ineffective and hemmoraging cash and he directed and put the right people in charge and turned the books around. The current leadership got fame through Community
organizing (extortion) and has never been accountable for anything but grades.
As far as the BBq thing goes, I am from NC and they answered the BBQ question, muttered, then formed an opinion of the questioner. Then they responded in that NC accent that seems so cute and ignorant. Don’t believe the hype. NC is so far right they are further from DC philosophicly than Alaska is geograhicly. They just humor strangers better than most.
PPP = Push Poll Propaganda
NC people have priorities. Conservative principles, College ball and BBQ. Check my other thread.
When I travel to CA or MA, I get withdrwls from sweet tea and East Carolina BBQ. I am a converted Yankee. Know what the difference is between North and South? In the North BBQ is a verb, in the south it is a noun.
The fickle electorate will cast their vote for the most superficial reasons like how they comb their hair. When voters determine their vote based upon Governor Perry’s roadkill barbecue comparison, athey are susceptible to any propaganda spewed out my the State Owned Media.
The fickle electorate will cast their vote for the most superficial reasons like how they comb their hair. When voters determine their vote based upon Governor Perrys roadkill barbecue comparison, they are susceptible to any propaganda spewed out by the State Owned Media.
No, West of Greensboro, they are tomato based, East is vinegar based.
“Is the whole world crazy?!”
out of work because of the current idiot and chief but can’t vote for a better candidate over barbecue? What has happened to my state?
Clairity: “Is the whole world crazy?!”
Good question. The only poll President Obama should score above 20% on is one asking who is most responsible for destroying the US. For some reason, a lot of people give Obama a pass. It’s almost like they separate the man from his policies. They think he’s nice, so it apparently matters not that he appoints and surrounds himself with radical, far left, anti-American people. Some probably take offense that I’m calling President Obama and his ilk anti-American. Americans, however, don’t go around constantly spouting off about how much they want to “fundamentally transform” something they love. Husbands, try that with your wife. Tell her you love her but you want to fundamentally transform everything about her. See how well that works out for you!
Carolina barbecue rules the earth...the rest are ketchup and sugar
He is going to take his 8,000 pound car over those decrepit bridges............Good
PPP = Political Poo Poo
This thread is meaningless without Queso!
I didn’t see Herman Cain in the Poll?
The same North Carolina that went for Obama in ‘08. The good folks of the Tar Heel State have gone absolutely nuts. What is wrong with the people of North Carolina? Has it become a 60 percent Black population?
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