Naw! Only tea partiers are racists! /S (although there is no video to that effect)
LoL! What a Maroon!
Obama made his bed with these protesters and he’ll reap what he sowed with them. If same entails Jew Hatred then the Pres. will be a Jew Hater by proxy here?
Looking at the pictures of OWS protesters and applying the SAME standards the liberal media applied to the Tea Party, OWS are clearly racist given the few minorities.
Did this jackhole say that he himself was Jewish?
Yes he did. LoL What a maroon.
He aint a racist, he is a moron! LoL
I hope the liberal Jews are watching.
Oh wait. They’re probably participating.
The guy in the second video is certainly blind.
The “Lotion man” is a deeply conflicted individual.
With his mascara, his $800 leather jacket and his self hating attitude. Did I mention the guy is stark raving bonkers?
OMG he be 99% /s
Watch Lotion Mans vids on youtube.
He cant stand that he isnt black.
Leader-cult mobs like these are objectively fascist phenomena so the anti-semitism shouldn’t be surprising. The stuff these guys spew is straight out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Hey Ed Koch, how’re you feeling about Obama now?
These Marxist protestors are anti-jew fascists, and obuma, plugs and Nancy support them. Let’s see how many Americans can add 2 + 2 and come up with a logical conclusion.
Each group of these protesters don’t think that they will be used and then thrown away like the others before them. Think of Soros and his war crimes and how they enabled his climb. The Food Stamp President and other Progressives are no different. These people are being used just like the people on the reality shows are being used.