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Mitt Romney, Hypocrite
stonezone ^

Posted on 10/01/2011 2:52:03 PM PDT by tsowellfan

This column is about hypocrisy. As a libertarian, I support marriage equality for gays and abortion rights although I admit I have struggled mightily with the latter and my views have changed after the birth of my grandchildren. I have always been and remain a Second Amendment man.

Mitt Romney once agreed with me. When running for the US Senate in 1994, Romney supported abortion on demand, gay marriage and gun control. That same year he attacked President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush saying "I don't want to take us back to that, to Reagan-Bush."

Now suddenly Mitt Romney wants us to believe he is not only a fiscal conservative but a social conservative who "has always been pro-life" and now opposes same sex marriage. Can you say chameleon?

Romney's boast that he spent 24 years in the private sector creating jobs is a joke. Massachusetts ran third from the bottom of all the states in job creation during his governorship and his main vocation at Bain Capital was consolidating companies and firing workers who didn't fit into his downsizing plans.

Much like his father, Michigan Governor George Romney, Willard Mitt Romney disdains conservatives privately but knows how to sound like one when the occasion requires it. His mother, Lenore Romney, ran for the US Senate a a pro-abortion supporter of the ERA. Romney reminds me of George H.W. Bush who, after being elected President, took the National Review magazine off the coffee table and threw it in the trash replacing it with the Yale Alumni magazine saying "We don't need this shit anymore."

Here then is Mitt Romney's record. Governor Romney says he's "only been in politics the four years he was governor." He'd like us to forget his 1994 race for the US Senate when he ran to the left of Teddy Kennedy (as if there is any room there without falling off the left side of the earth.)

Here then is the real record of Willard Mitt Romney:

1994: Romney backed federal funding of abortion and the codification of Roe v. Wade. "Romney supports a federal health care plan option that includes abortion services, would vote for a law codifying the 1972 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion and backs federal funding for abortions as long as states can decide if they want the money, [a spokesman] said." (Ed Hayward, "Anti-Abortion Group Endorses Romney Bid," Boston Herald, 9/8/94)

1999: Romney said, "When I am asked if am I pro-choice or pro-life, I say I refuse to accept either label." (Glen Warchol, "This Is The Place, But Politics May Lead Romneys Elsewhere," The Salt Lake Tribune, 2/14/99)

2002: Running for Massachusetts Governor, Romney said he was "devoted" to the pro-choice position. "I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose, and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard. I will not change any provisions of Massachusetts' pro-choice laws." (2002 Romney-O'Brien Gubernatorial Debate, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, 10/29/02)

2005: Romney Considered Abortion-Rights Supporter By Pro-Life Groups - Aide Claimed His Position Had Not Changed. "[Massachusetts Citizens for Life] considers Romney to be an abortion-rights supporter, as do national antiabortion groups such as the Family Research Council. ... [Romney aide Eric] Fehrnstrom said the governor's position has not changed on either sex education or abortion." (Scott S. Greenberger, "Roe V. Wade Omitted From Proclamation," The Boston Globe, 3/25/05)

2006: Romneycare provides taxpayer-funded abortions. Abortions are covered in the Commonwealth Care program that Romney created as Governor. Under the program, abortions are available for a copay of $50. (Menu of Health Care Services: )

2006: Romneycare guarantees Planned Parenthood a seat at the table. Romney's legislation created an advisory board and guarantees, by law, that Planned Parenthood has a seat at the table. Romney's plan established a MassHealth payment policy advisory board, and one member of the Board must be from Planned Parenthood. No pro-life organization is represented. (Chapter 58 Section 3 (q) Section 16M (a), )

Romney used his line-item veto authority to strike eight sections of the bill that he found objectionable, including the expansion of dental benefits to Medicaid recipients. Yet, he did not strike Planned Parenthood's guaranteed Board representation and he did nothing to prohibit taxpayer-funded abortions as part of his plan. ("Romney's Health Care Vetoes," Associated Press, 4/12/06)

2007: Romney now claims he has always been pro-life. "I am firmly pro-life ... I was always for life." (Jim Davenport, "Romney Affirms Abortion Opposition During Stop In SC," The Associated Press, 2/8/07) policy advisory board."

2011: Romney refuses to sign the pro-life Susan B. Anthony Pledge. Romney has drawn criticism for being one of only three Republican presidential candidates to have refused to sign the Susan B. Anthony List's Pro-Life Leadership Presidential Pledge. ( )

Mitt Romney also has a record of supporting gun control and has supported anti-second amendment initiatives:

1994: Romney supported the Brady Bill and Assault Weapons Ban, bragging his stance was "not going to make me the hero of the NRA." "[Romney] said he will take stands that put him at odds with some traditional ultra-conservative groups, and cited his support for the assault rifle ban and the Brady gun control law. 'That's not going to make me the hero of the NRA,' he said. 'I don't line up with a lot of special interest groups.'" (Andrew Miga, "Mitt Rejects Right-Wing Aid," Boston Herald, 9/23/94)

2002: Romney praised Massachusetts' tough gun laws, vowed not to "chip away at them" as Governor. "[A]s the GOP gubernatorial candidate in 2002, Romney lauded the state's strong laws during a debate against Democrat Shannon O'Brien. 'We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts; I support them,' he said. 'I won't chip away at them; I believe they protect us and provide for our safety.'" (Scott Helman, "Romney Retreats On Gun Control," The Boston Globe, 1/14/07)

2006: Romney explains he signed up for lifetime NRA membership in August 2006 because "I'm after the NRA's endorsement. ... If I'm going to ask for their endorsement, they're going to ask for mine." "Expressing familiarity with and support for gun rights is key among Republican presidential contenders ... It helps explain why Romney joined the NRA last August, signing up not just as a supporter but a designated 'Lifetime' member ... Romney told a Derry, N.H., audience, 'I'm after the NRA's endorsement. I'm not sure they'll give it to me. I hope they will. I also joined because if I'm going to ask for their endorsement, they're going to ask for mine.'" (Glen Johnson, "Romney Calls Himself A Longtime Hunter," The Associated Press, 4/5/07)

Mitt Romney once supported marriage equality. As a libertarian I wish he still did. His overnight switch is opportunistic and transparent. Mitt Romney believes in nothing but getting elected:

1994: Romney told the Massachusetts Log Cabin Club he would be better for gay rights than Ted Kennedy. In a letter to the group, Romney wrote, "As we seek to establish full equality for America's gay and lesbian citizens, I will provide more effective leadership than my opponent." An Oct. 13, 1994 Bay Windows article also quoted from Romney's letter: "For some voters it might be enough for me to simply match my opponent's record in this area. But I believe we can and must do better. If we are to achieve the goals we share, we must make equality for gays and lesbians a mainstream concern. My opponent cannot do this. I can and will."

2002: Romney called 2002 amendment banning gay marriage and benefits in Massachusetts too extreme and did not support it. "Mitt Romney's wife, son, and daughter-in-law signed a petition in support of a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban both gay marriage and domestic-partner benefits in Massachusetts - an amendment that Romney himself condemned as too extreme after being told of his family's support for it." (Rick Klein, "Romney Kin Signed Petition To Ban Same-Sex Marriage," The Boston Globe, 3/22/02)

2002: A Romney aide said he felt the amendment was "unnecessary." "Romney's family members signed the petition to put it on the ballot 'without reading the fine print,' [Romney aide Eric] Fehrnstrom said, but he has no reason to believe they do not support it. 'Mitt did not know they signed it, and Mitt does not support it,' he said. 'As far as Mitt is concerned, it goes farther than current law, and therefore it's unnecessary.'" (Rick Klein, "Romney Kin Signed Petition To Ban Same-Sex Marriage," The Boston Globe, 3/22/02)

2006: Romney backed efforts to pass a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in Massachusetts. "Just two weeks before lawmakers resume a Constitutional Convention to vote on a proposed ballot initiative to ban same-sex marriage, Gov. Mitt Romney will stand with the supporters of the measure to call on the Legislature to back it. Romney will join petition backers in a State House press event today to urge the Legislature to pass the Protection of Marriage Amendment when the Constitutional Convention reconvenes July 12, authorizing a 2008 ballot question asking voters to define marriage as between one man and one woman." (Kimberly Atkins and Kate Gibson, "Mitt Joining Supporters Of Anti-Gay Wed Initiative," Boston Herald, 6/28/06)

Mitt Romney fails the test of three key conservative issues - abortion, gun rights and same-sex marriage. Conservatives who support Mitt Romney also underestimate his weakness in the South, where the Church of Latter Day Saints is viewed with suspicion by evangelical Christians. In my view, these very real problems will haunt him - and spook conservatives - in the months ahead.

TOPICS: News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: abortion; backstabberromney; benedictromney; bigdigromney; fakebadgeromney; fakepollromney; gayrights; guns; loserromney; romney; romneycare; romneydirtytricks; romneyfees; romneymarriage; romneytruthfile; spoilerromney; stenchofromney; stinkerromney; thestenchofromney
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1 posted on 10/01/2011 2:52:13 PM PDT by tsowellfan
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To: tsowellfan
We are not talking about ideological perfection in this election; we are talking about getting our government back under adult supervision, for our own safety and to prevent other nations needing to fear us and/or take actions to deal with continuing lack of adult supervision at high levels of US government.

There is nobody amongst our potential candidates who would not be a gigantic improvement over Barrack Obama. Mitt Romney easily could end up being our candidate and NOBODY amongst us should be calling him a hypocrite.

2 posted on 10/01/2011 2:56:48 PM PDT by steveshoveler
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To: tsowellfan
Roger Stone is a Libertarian now? Who knew? He has been a fixture of GOP politics for so many decades I just thought he was still one.

3 posted on 10/01/2011 3:00:10 PM PDT by Lazlo in PA (Now living in a newly minted Red State.)
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To: steveshoveler

I can call him a hypocrite. Two issues: pro life and pro second ammendment. I will NOT support him.

4 posted on 10/01/2011 3:04:24 PM PDT by Donnafrflorida (Thru HIM all things are possible.)
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To: steveshoveler

I can call him a hypocrite. Two issues: pro life and pro second ammendment. I will NOT support him.

5 posted on 10/01/2011 3:04:39 PM PDT by Donnafrflorida (Thru HIM all things are possible.)
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To: steveshoveler
Mitt Romney easily could end up being our candidate and NOBODY amongst us should be calling him a hypocrite.

There is no need to rally around this two faced hack Mittens till we absolutely have to in the General. Until then, Mittens needs to be exposed to lead the way for one of the real Conservatives to win.

Romney on Reagan

You really want to defend this lying sack of $#!t?

6 posted on 10/01/2011 3:05:14 PM PDT by Lazlo in PA (Now living in a newly minted Red State.)
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To: steveshoveler

Sad to say, but the majority of FReepers have already told us they’re rather see 0bama win than to vote for Romney, Christie or Perry. They claim they will stay home unless St. Sarah runs.

Let’s hope the majority of voters don’t feel this way, or we’re guaranteed another four years of socialism, from which we will never turn back.

As Mark Levin states, he’d vote for an orange juice can over 0bama. And so would I.

7 posted on 10/01/2011 3:07:10 PM PDT by Joann37
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To: steveshoveler

I am not voting for Romney. I will not reward a RINO ever again.

8 posted on 10/01/2011 3:10:36 PM PDT by ilovesarah2012
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To: Joann37
As Mark Levin states, he’d vote for an orange juice can over 0bama. And so would I.

You are right, but Levin also says we need to try and get the most Conservative candidate we can right now. Rolling over in the Primary season for a proven failure in both electability and Conservatism is not what he talks about at all. Mittens needs to be shut down now.

9 posted on 10/01/2011 3:12:16 PM PDT by Lazlo in PA (Now living in a newly minted Red State.)
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To: tsowellfan

Mittens is Obama-lite...going back through his record and video’s in his own words proves it. He’s is one step above who lives in our WH today.

10 posted on 10/01/2011 3:16:55 PM PDT by shield ((Rev 2:9 Woe unto those who say they are Judahites and are not, but are of the syna GOG ue of Satan.)
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To: steveshoveler
Mitt Romney easily could end up being our candidate and NOBODY amongst us should be calling him a hypocrite.

Get real. Romney is a supreme hypocrite and I won't vote for him even if he is the republican candidate. Go ahead and tell me noob, "That's the same as voting for obama", as if that's the first time it's ever been said.

Don't even try to push Mitt Romney here.

11 posted on 10/01/2011 3:23:21 PM PDT by Graybeard58
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To: Graybeard58

There’s a distinction between a hypocrite and an impostor.

12 posted on 10/01/2011 3:26:06 PM PDT by gitmo (Hatred of those who think differently is the left's unifying principle.-Ralph Peters NY Post)
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To: Lazlo in PA
You are right, but Levin also says we need to try and get the most Conservative candidate we can right now.

Patience. Patience. The Tea Party will be victorious. Just like they were back in 2010 thanks to Sarah Palin's help. Sarah Palin did it in 2010 which is why she's the kingmaker in 2012 and I'm sure she will not fail us this election year.

A GOP establishment Romney win as the nominee would be a defeat for the Tea Party and today's kingmaker Sarah Palin. This kind of defeat is not an option.

13 posted on 10/01/2011 3:28:48 PM PDT by tsowellfan
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To: steveshoveler
We are not talking about ideological perfection in this election; we are talking about getting our government back under adult supervision, for our own safety and to prevent other nations needing to fear us and/or take actions to deal with continuing lack of adult supervision at high levels of US government.

There is nobody amongst our potential candidates who would not be a gigantic improvement over Barrack Obama. Mitt Romney easily could end up being our candidate and NOBODY amongst us should be calling him a hypocrite.

That is ridiculous. The kind of attitude that gets us RINO presidential candidates like John McCain that lose to communists like Obama or, even when the Republican wins, more government, just at a slower pace. No thanks.

Mitt Romney is a total phony and most certainly not a conservative. That may not bother you but it bothers most FReepers. Barack Obama has performed dismally and so, will be relatively easy to defeat. Meaning that the primary elections are crucial to ensure that the GOP doesn't hand us another Democrat-Lite candidate. This nation can't afford another GOP politician that drops the masquerade of 'conservatism' and seeks ways to play ball with the Democrats as soon as he is safely elected. If anyone wants to sneer at Republican primary voters demanding that we nominate a real conservative candidate, as wanting 'ideological purity', that is their prerogative. However, doing so does not reflect the kind of political sophistication one might assume. Instead, it demonstrates a desperation and fear of defeat that is totally unwarranted and would give the U.S. yet another 'pragmatist president' that, inevitably would end up increasing the size and scope of government while diminishing our personal freedoms via heavy taxes, regulation and deficits that never end. I don't think many FReepers are jumping on the 'anybody but Obama' bandwagon because we have choices. This time, we can demand a choice, not a warmed-over, faux 'conservative' such as Mitt Romney that privately disdains conservatism and would quickly revert to his statist ways, if elected.

14 posted on 10/01/2011 3:31:57 PM PDT by Jim Scott ( "Game On!" - Sarah Palin)
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To: steveshoveler

Romney will NEVER be “OUR” candidate.

If the GOP takes the backstabber, another’s name will
be written in.

The GOP will commit suicide by picking the backstabber.

And BTW, using the POS Romney in the same
line as “Hypocrite” is unfair to hypocrites.

15 posted on 10/01/2011 3:32:56 PM PDT by Diogenesis ("Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. " Pres. Ronald Reagan)
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To: steveshoveler

FUMR!! Liar for life!!

16 posted on 10/01/2011 3:33:25 PM PDT by Jim Robinson (Rebellion is brewing!! Impeach the corrupt Marxist bastard!!)
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To: Jim Scott

Romney will not win. Remember who our kingmaker is. A GOP establishment Romney win as the nominee would be a defeat for the Tea Party and today’s kingmaker Sarah Palin.

17 posted on 10/01/2011 3:35:15 PM PDT by tsowellfan
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To: Joann37

If Romney is the GOP candidate, I’m no longer a Republican. FUMR!!

18 posted on 10/01/2011 3:36:22 PM PDT by Jim Robinson (Rebellion is brewing!! Impeach the corrupt Marxist bastard!!)
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To: Jim Robinson; steveshoveler
Whadda ya expect from a noob with comments like these:

Mitt Romney easily could end up being our candidate and NOBODY amongst us should be calling him a hypocrite.

Romney, Gingrich, Cain and a couple of the others qualify, the rest including Palin do not.

What about a Romney/Cain ticket?? I mean, that would annihilate Obama.

Romney noted the differences and declared that his first act as president would be the abolition by exec order of Obamacare. What the hell exactly do you want or need???

19 posted on 10/01/2011 3:41:47 PM PDT by Graybeard58
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To: steveshoveler

“We don’t intend to turn the Republican Party over to the traitors in the battle just ended. We will have no more of those candidates who are pledged to the same goals of our opposition and who seek our support. Turning the party over to the so-called moderates wouldn’t make any sense at all,” and the traitors he was referring to were the Rhinos of his day who had undermined the Goldwater conservatives during the 1964 campaign. And Reagan was saying: Over my dead body is the Republican Party going to be turned over to those people. We’re only going places if we conservatives run this party, if we take it over and if we are unified.” Ronald Reagan

20 posted on 10/01/2011 3:42:47 PM PDT by tsowellfan
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