Posted on 09/24/2011 3:42:09 PM PDT by BarnacleCenturion
There has never been a pair of running mates who agree on every single issue...
I wonder if we will see any of the folks at the bottom drop out before the first caucus.
Is Denzel Washington a Republican?
If he were a Democrat we would know about it;)
Lets see.. how may I best express my feelings for this situation ?......BWAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
“Perry should do what Pawlenty did when he lost the Iowa straw poll to Michele Bachmann.”
You’re wanting Perry to drop out and endorse RINO Romney?
Yes. It's a tough rebuke to those who didn't take Cain seriously--and especially to those who didn't consider him electable.
Judging by what just happened to Perry it's not just a "single issue" it's a BIGGEN
Yes. It's a tough rebuke to those who didn't take Cain seriously--and especially to those who didn't consider him electable.
I wasted $10 on Trump. Now I’m going to send my donations to Cain
No not a hurricane 10...nope
A hurricain...9 9 9 !
Honest....if Sarah does not run he has my support and if she does...he will still rank second!
FINALLY a candidate that does NOT look like a used car salesman !! and , yes, I am heartless !!!!!
Good points. Cain's is the only campaign I have contributed to and I plan to do so again.
Great screen name, btw. :-)
I had taken it to mean this just wasn’t done...I remember Cheney had to establish a voting residence in Wyoming so he and W wouldn’t both be from Texas.
So nobody is willing to have that state’s electoral vote taken down, so that means it isn’t done.
At least, that’s how I took it.
Sorry I shortcutted the point. Thanks for filling in the missing link.
“Newt would go for chief of staff - the guy is too brilliant for office.”
Newt needs to be put in charge of federal departments (Education, HHS, etc.) for the sole purpose of dismantling them as they are defunded.
Tongue-in-cheek, designate Newt as the “Small Government Czar.” He’s got the ability and the thick skin to play the “bad guy” for the media so that the new President isn’t distracted.
See post #81
Yeah! That’s better: A category 999!
“I have a feeling that Obama is going to drop Biden from the ticket and add Hillary to prop up his sagging chances of re-election. They may have struck the deal already in return for her not challenging him for the nomination.”
This would be the absolute best thing Obama would do...despite some grumbling from the minority base. [They still remember that obnoxious video in which the priest pretended to be Hillary and mocked her mercilessly. You wouldn’t believe how popular that was in the black community.]
The problem is, I don’t think Joe is on board. He likes the Veep perks, and appears to have fired a warning shot over the bow. He said something to the effect that everybody knows Obama is ‘straight’, and it’s hard to conceive of even Clueless Joe using that word in this day and age w’out knowing what it means to the masses.
I.e.: I think Joe has evidence that Obama is not ‘straight’, and his reference to it was meant to head off at the pass any talk of bumping him from the ticket. I could be wrong, but that’s how I heard/saw it.
On topic, go Cain! He is a great man, and the perfect antidote to too much DC Ruling Class corruption. Look for him to get another bounce on and after Oct. 4, when his book comes out.
And you believe that? Of course you do.
I can think of few things more absurd than the thought of Mitt Romney asking his delegates to vote for someone other than him.
See post #81
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