Also, these kids voted for Obama expecting something positive to happen. Instead they watched their future being stolen from them. This time around they don’t need or want a politician. They need a vote they can be proud of. They need to know their second vote restores their future.
I hope your right. Being 24 myself, I generally am around “the younger generation”. It’s sad, but most just look for instant satisfaction with no deep thinking involved.
What I see in this group of people is a desire to do something “important” (and from what you said, you agree). Problem is, is that the dems have brainwashed them to making them think that doing something important is “saving the enviroment” or “taking down the greedy rich”.
This is why the riots in Britain and Europe mostly consist of younger people.
You tell them something that plays to their heart and they don’t bat an eye going to the plate for you. It’s sad, but logic is lost.
Against better judgement, I watched the MSNBC post speech analysis of Obama’s job speech. They were saying how great it was, and how everything Obama said was great things. (Paraphrase) “He wants to build X number of schools... who can argue with that?!”. And people fall for it. They don’t think past the initial statement. It plays to their heart and they are sold.
Will they change? I hope. I’m not seeing it yet. People don’t think and that is what will kill our nation. Not Obama or his policies. It’s the people that put him in as President and don’t see Him for what he is. That is what is and will kill America.