TJs is a great place. Really good food and most of it is surprisingly cheap. When we started shopping there more our grocery bill went down. There’s some stuff that expensive, especially the cheeses. But their prepped to semi-prepped stuff (salads, various frozen things, easy add 2 things stuff) can usually keep you going solid for 3 or less bucks a meal, and is tasty. My biggest complaint there is the difficulty of finding plain utilitarian bread. I like fancy breads to eat on their own as a snack or side, but to do stuff like make sandwiches I want just regular whole wheat no screwing around with oatmeal cluster crunchy crap, and that’s a rare item at TJs.
$0.30 of flour, $0.10 of yeast, salt, and sugar, $0.02 of water, 8 hours of stand-around time, 10 minutes of work and 40 minutes of oven will make you the best tasting $0.42 loaf of bread you've ever had! ;)