We saw a nice over 60 couple days back but couldn't get a shot, heard him in the woods, couldn't call him in, man hate those sharp bulls. I was down tonight with buddy that still had a moose tag, had a nice bull with cows in sight but way off and they didn't cross at dark where I thought they would. Our subsistence season goes until the 25th in fed areas; the only thing the feds have ever done good. We have low moose numbers here at the end of the Taylor, not moosey country.
Big "E" (what I call him) works for BP up slope on here, got a couple bulls downriver. I saw him on road and we talked but not politics, just moose ha.
I have a project this winter, to build a hunting buggy down here in Wasilla. I may start with a 1992 crew cab Ford, I have tons “literally” of old Rockwells with gears around 6-39 or so, nice low gear stuff so I can use dual tractor mud tires.
As for the engine I have quite a few diesels from some older GM 4 cycles out of a 2 ton cabover to some Detroits even.
In case you havn’t been down here in the Valley its the latest craze to build the best hunting buggy all around the valley.
I don't hunt (old lady with lung problems) but I believe the herd that goes through the area is the Porcupine herd. I could be way wrong, and welcome any correction from someone who KNOWS.
I wondered why I hadn't heard anything from Big E in so long. (We call him Mo, for some completely unknown reason. LOL!) Glad he got something. Anyway, congratulations on the success.