Neither.. its not a big issue.. its a manufactured issue..
Well if you take off points for being a liar....Perry.
Doesn’t matter, don’t care.
Arguing from an anectdote is always a losing argument, Perry wins.
Fortunately, that means the issue will go away and more important things can be debated.
Perry should say he was simply overcome with emotion in doing everything within his power to protect young girls from an insidious disease called cancer and then reiterate what he has already admitted, that he made a mistake.
And then be done with it and let others dwell on it.
It seems to me the issue is deeper than this one instance.
Does Ricardo have statist tendencies?
Should the goobermint regulate business to save us from global warming, regulate salt and fast food to make us healthier, and otherwise nanny-state us?
Leftists don’t have a problem with the “individual mandate” in ObummerCare because they think having the government tell you what to do is O.K.
I don’t like mandates and I don’t like nannystaters.
I think it’s good that Perry says he was wrong on the Gardasil deal. But is he saying the reason he was wrong was because the power of government should not take away individual freedom and responsibility? Or that he was wrong because he didn’t “message” his action appropriately?
Both lose.
Nobody wins THIS debate because both have obscured the real argument and are now debating a false premise. MB shot herself in both feet and Perry is hiding behind her blunder.
The real issue isn’t even being discussed.
All things being equal, on the real issue which has been lost in the ether, Perry wins by MB’s idiotic forfeit.
There is no debate. There is merely an attack by a disgruntled and scorned woman who has abandoned reason in her fear of total campaign disaster.
The disaster is over and no FEMA to make her whole again. Michelle was
He was for it before he was against it. If the subject was Romney, what would the answers be? He has a history of trying to force his will on Texans. TTC, Gardasil, instate tuition, endless open border favoratism. Is that anyone’s idea of getting government out of our lives? You can put lipstick on this guy all you want, but it won’t hide his record.
Run Sarah Run!
Bachmann comes off as shooting her lip off without having the facts, and it's not the first time she's done this. Hell, she even confused John Wayne with John Wayne Gacy.
The Perry aide won, he got the money, and we do not know about any cold cash, but is this drug company still giving Perry money.
The Perry aide won, he got the money, and we do not know about any cold cash, but is this drug company still giving Perry money. But you could say cronyism won.
Perry....Bachmann destroyed herself...put a folk in her she is done....Michelle has lost her the scripture we are warn against exactly what she did.
The final score is going to be:
Number of Republican Nominations Won in 2012:
Perry 1
Bachmann 0
Romney 0
Huntsman 0
Gingrich 0
Paul 0
Cain 0
Santorum 0
Pawlenty 0
Johnson 0
Palin 0
The other GOP presidential candidates
Gov Perry because he apologized and said given the opportunity to do it over he would have handled it differently but...there was an opt out option.
Bachmann won’t let it go and now she is out there again talking about it and making it worse for herself. She was attacking and still is attacking one of the candidates. This is going to doom her campaign.