Gov. Rick Perry at Liberty University - speaks of how he grew up, about liberty, freedom, military, 9-11, evil, "we must engage allies and build alliance for freedom and be like Ronald Reagan and speak past the rulers and directly to people by yearning to be free," his faith, his path, trust in God......
****Perrys record as Texas governor proves that he is callous and lacks compassion for the poor. The WaPo article quotes William Martin, a professor at Rice University: I looked at his policies, and they didnt seem to be something that would flow from a heart full of Christian love, so I was thinking he had found religion conveniently.*****
Well, isn’t that special.
p.s. Billy Martin: Confiscating other people’s money (taxing) is theft and controlling the poor with tribute is not Christian charity - it is slavery.
We’ve seen what the Harvard and Yale “intellectuals” have done to this country.
Alex, I’ll take nation’s most corrupt governors for $200.
Social Conservative creds are important, but focus on jobs, Rick.
Republican Presidential candidate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, answers questions after a speech
before a Virginia Republican fundraising event in Richmond, Va., Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2011.
You have got to wonder who the idiot was who decided “this year we’re going to call people who believe in God dumb” in a country where 83% of the population identify themselves as Christian and thinks that will work out for them.
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I think the last real intellectual left this world sometime in the last century.
Rick Perry giving a speech that focuses on his spiritual convictions is a part of any politicians campaign for president because as a nominally religious nation, people care about such things. However, giving Governor Perry the full benefit of the doubt that he is 100% sincere in his Christianity, which I approve of, we’re not electing a Minister-in-Chief or a church Elder but the Republican candidate for president. No politician is going to govern via a theocracy in a nation that has always maintained a secular government, and this is how I, as a Christian, like it. So, although I’m pleased to learn that a potential president holds Christian beliefs, that is simply not my criteria for voting for him. I prefer Sarah Palin, who is also a committed Christian, but that aspect of her life is not why I would support her if she runs. It’s political positions that determine my choice to vote for a specific politician, not their views on the Trinity. However, I appreciate Rick Perry and any other candidate stating what they believe and why, even if I don’t consider such a statement a requirement for office.
Either one of those, “spiritual or anti intellectual” works for me. Being both is better than being one or the other.
I am jaded and cynical about politicians, but I was moved!
That is just another version of the elite premise of libtards where religious people are too stupid to think and make decisions for themselves so they are unfit for freedom and need big government to tell them what to do. And libtards will be happy to be in charge of that big government.
If I have any problem with a “social conservative” appeal, it is that I find toooo, toooo many “social conservatives” wowed by that appeal from politicians and tooo, tooo willing to ignore that (a)it is not enough and (b) there are equally, or to put it another way - more universal - issues of Liberty that a mere “social conservative appeal” alone can conveniently ignore - at our common peril.
GWBush did very well in his “appeal” to “social conservatives” but governed in some areas no different than any other big government President; and not because he had a Congress that forced him to but by his own choices.
And, I am well aware that a large portion of social conservatives among the public are less than fully informed on the foundations of American political conservatism itself and many would not be entirely opposed to government efforts in favor of “social conservatism” that were no less co0ntrary to our common Liberty than are many measures that Liberals/Progressives/Marxists attempt today.
In a nutshell, I am looking for a “true Conservative” and if that person also has respect for and an abiding Constitutional understanding of our religious Liberties as well, I would find that more important than their own personal identification as a “social conservative”.
I want a President who governs as a Conservative - across the board, not one who simply speaks appealingly to this or that conservative interest group.
"Average" or "mediocre".
This should be a scandal. That is will only be noticed or read by a dozens tells us where we are and why the phrase "enemedia" exists.