Is there a picture of his 2009 tax return? Or his selective service card? Seems to me when I’ve seen politician’s financial disclosures some info like SSN is redacted.
Yes it is in the Papa affidavit, also in the article by Corsi at WND.
When there is so much out there proving that he has not been honest at all about WHO he is and nothing proving he is, the logical mind would doubt and search for the truth.
Since we are being blocked , by him, it makes me believe he is a USURPER and it is beyond comprehension that not one Judge or more importantly Con gress will look at this and prove us wrong, if we are, which I honestly do not think we could be wrong. The Birth Certificate is a child like reproduction. The SS# has been shown to be fraudulent, the evidence goes on and on. If you really want the truth you are at the right place, FR has a knowledge base to answer and or direct you to links that have done tons of hours of work , all in the name of saving our Republic. It can be unreal and unbelievable at times the lengths the people behind barry have gone to cover his past.